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    150L20B HARRIS Search Results

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    Abstract: 320L40 320L40 MOV 275L40 275L20 130L10 130L20 150L20B 250l20 33Z1
    Text: BACK NEXT LITTELFUSE Varistors DIMENSIONS: mm IN. DIMENSIONS: mm (IN) A Symbol 7mm A (max) 14mm 25.4mm (1 In.) Min. 20mm 12.0 16.0 20.0 26.5 (0.472) (0.630) (0.787) (1.043) 9.0 12.5 17.0 23.0 (0.354) (0.492) (0.669) (.906) + 1mm 6.0 8.5 8.5 8.5 -(.039) (0.236)


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    Abstract: 320l40 harris 130l10 harris 230L20 HARRIS VARISTOR 1501 150L20B harris Harris v1000LA160b mov 575L40 250L harris 230L40
    Text: LA Series Data Sheet Radial Lead Metal-Oxide Varistors for Line Voltage Operation [ /Title LA Series /Subject (Radial Lead MetalOxide Varistors for Line Voltage Operation) /Autho r () /Keywords (Harris Corporation, Suppression Products, TVS, Transient Suppression,

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    Text: [ /Title LA Series /Subject (Radial Lead MetalOxide Varistors for Line Voltage Operation) /Autho r () /Keywords (Harris Corporation, Suppression Products, TVS, Transient Suppression, Protection, AC Line, LA Series Data Sheet Radial Lead Metal-Oxide Varistors for Line

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    Abstract: 275l20 250l40 275L40 320L40 130L20B 130L20 320l20 250L20 VARISTOR 250L
    Text: LA Series Semiconductor Radial Lead Metal-Oxide Varistors for Line Voltage Operation January 1998 Features Description • Recognized as “Transient Voltage Surge Suppressors”, UL File #E75961 to Standard 1449 The LA Series of transient voltage surge suppressors are

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    Abstract: 250L20 130L20B 480L80 510L40 275L40b V175LA20A 320L40 MOV varistor 2754 mov 130l10
    Text: LA Series IS R R A H E ES E I S Radial Lead Metal-Oxide R E O S S Varistors for Line Voltage Operation V AL O M RA T Description L U S E M I C O N D U C T O R January 1998 Features • Recognized as “Transient Voltage Surge Suppressors”, UL File #E75961 to Standard 1449

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    Abstract: 250l40 660L100 510L40 275l40 150L20B 320l40 130L10 275L40b 275L20
    Text: LA Series S E M I C O N D U C T O R UL Recognized Radial Lead Metal-Oxide Varistors for Line Voltage Operation June 1995 Features • Recognized as “Transient Voltage Surge Suppressors”, UL File #E75961 to Standard 1449 • Recognized as “Across-The-Line Components”, UL File #E56529 to

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    MOV 150L20

    Abstract: 275L40b 275L40 250l40 130L20 250L40B 130L10 MOV 150L10 130L20B 250l20
    Text: LA Series IS R R A H E ES E I S Radial Lead Metal-Oxide R E O S S Varistors for Line Voltage Operation V AL O M RA T Description L U Semiconductor January 1998 Features • Recognized as “Transient Voltage Surge Suppressors”, UL File #E75961 to Standard 1449

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    Text: Varistor Products 4 Transient Voltage Suppression Varistor Products Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-2 Radial Lead Varistors UltraMOV Series


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    VARISTOR 275 L20

    Abstract: VARISTOR 275 LA 20A VARISTOR 320 L20 320L40 275L20 250LA10 130LA 150LA20A 660L100 Metal-Oxide Varistor 1302
    Text: fc,3E J> m 4 3 DE 27 1 7bb « H A S I A CpW pQ f f j H A R R IS S E M I C O N D U C T O R August 1993 f c * H A RR IS S E M I C O N D S E C T O R UL Recognized Radial Lead Metal-Oxide Varistors for Line Voltage Operation Features • Recognized as “Transient Voltage Surge Suppressors", U L File

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    Abstract: 320L40 660L100 275l20 275L40 275L40B 250L20 660l50 300L40 150L20B
    Text: LA Series Absolute Maximum Ratings For ratings of individual members of a series, see Device Ratings and Specifications chart LA SERIES UNITS 130 to 1000 175 to 1200 V V 1200 to 6500 A Continuous: Steady State Applied Voltage: AC Voltage Range Vm(AC r m s ) .

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    Abstract: 275L40B 320L40 MOV 320L40 660L50 275L20 1000L80 320L20 275L40 625L80
    Text: LA Series Semiconductor Radial Lead Metal-Oxide Varistors for Line Voltage Operation January 1998 Description Features Recognized as “Transient Voltage Surge Suppressors”, UL File #E75961 to Standard 1449 Recognized as “Across-The-Line Components”, UL

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