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    TC4511BP Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation CMOS Logic IC, BCD-to-7-Segment Decoder, DIP16 Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    74LVCH16501APF8 Renesas Electronics Corporation LOGIC 40056 MOTHER CODE Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    74LVCH16501APA Renesas Electronics Corporation LOGIC 40056 MOTHER CODE Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    74LVCH16501APA8 Renesas Electronics Corporation LOGIC 40056 MOTHER CODE Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    74LVCH16501APV Renesas Electronics Corporation LOGIC 40056 MOTHER CODE Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation

    18X MARKING CODE Datasheets Context Search

    Catalog Datasheet MFG & Type Document Tags PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: ALUMINUM ELECTROLYTIC CAPACITORS CA Miniature Sized, High Ripple Current, Long Life series High ripple current and Long Life product withstanding load life of 10000 hours at +105°C. Suited for ballast application. PB CA Long Life Specifications Item Performance Characteristics

    120Hz, 100kHz 100kHz~ 120Hz 10kHz 8100Q-1 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: ALUMINUM ELECTROLYTIC CAPACITORS CA Miniature Sized, High Ripple Current, Long Life series High ripple current and Long Life product withstanding load life of 10000 hours at +105°C. Suited for ballast application. PB CA Long Life Specifications Item Performance Characteristics

    120Hz, 100kHz 100kHz~ 120Hz 10kHz 8100Q-1 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: ALUMINUM ELECTROLYTIC CAPACITORS PT Miniature Sized, High Ripple Current, Long Life series High ripple current. Suited for ballast application. PB PT Smaller Specifications Item Performance Characteristics Category Temperature Range - 25 ~ +105°C Rated Voltage Range

    120Hz, 120Hz 300Hz 10kHz~ 120Hz 8100Q-1 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: ALUMINUM ELECTROLYTIC CAPACITORS PT Miniature Sized, High Ripple Current, Long Life series High ripple current. Suited for ballast application. PB PT Smaller Specifications Item Performance Characteristics Category Temperature Range - 25 ~ +105°C Rated Voltage Range

    120Hz, 120Hz 300Hz 10kHz~ 8100Q-1 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available

    DFN18 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: ALUMINUM ELECTROLYTIC CAPACITORS FW Miniature Sized, For Audio Equipment series Standard miniature sized series for general audio products, taking the same designing concept as "Fine Gold" MUSE into consideration. FG FW High Grade Specifications Item Performance Characteristics

    120Hz, 120Hz 120Hz 300Hz 10kHz 8100N PDF

    eaton heinemann breaker

    Abstract: HEINEMANN am series HEINEMANNamseries AM2R-A HEINEMANN j series
    Text: Eaton 1951 AM/R catalog 12/12/01 4:56 PM Page 2 Heinemann Heinemann AM/R and AM1P Series Circuit Breakers Eaton 1951 AM/R catalog 12/12/01 4:56 PM Page 3 HEINEMANN® CIRCUIT BREAKERS AM/R and AM1P Series Circuit Breakers DESCRIPTION Heinemann® Series AM/R circuit

    00-700A) 01-1200A) CH-1345 BR5401SE0005A eaton heinemann breaker HEINEMANN am series HEINEMANNamseries AM2R-A HEINEMANN j series PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: ALUMINUM ELECTROLYTIC CAPACITORS KT For General Audio Equipment, Wide Temperature Range. series 105°C standard for audio equipment. Compliant to the RoHS directive 2002/95/EC . KT High Sound Quality VZ Specifications Performance Characteristics Item – 55 to +105°C

    2002/95/EC) 120Hz, 120Hz 10kHz 8100Y-1 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: ALUMINUM ELECTROLYTIC CAPACITORS KT For General Audio Equipment, Wide Temperature Range. series 105°C standard for audio equipment. Compliant to the RoHS directive 2002/95/EC . KT High Sound Quality VZ Specifications Performance Characteristics Item – 55 to +105°C

    2002/95/EC) 120Hz, 120Hz 10kHz 300Hz PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: ALUMINUM ELECTROLYTIC CAPACITORS KT For General Audio Equipment, Wide Temperature Range. series 105°C standard for audio equipment. Compliant to the RoHS directive 2002/95/EC . KT High Sound Quality VZ Specifications Performance Characteristics Item – 55 to +105°C

    2002/95/EC) 120Hz, 120Hz 10kHz 300Hz 8100Z PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: ALUMINUM ELECTROLYTIC CAPACITORS KT For General Audio Equipment, Wide Temperature Range. series 105°C standard for audio equipment. Compliant to the RoHS directive 2002/95/EC . KT High Sound Quality VZ Specifications Performance Characteristics Item – 55 to +105°C

    2002/95/EC) 120Hz, 120Hz 10kHz 8100Y PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: ALUMINUM ELECTROLYTIC CAPACITORS KT For General Audio Equipment, Wide Temperature Range. KA series High Sound Quality 105°C standard for audio equipment. Compliant to the RoHS directive 2002/95/EC . KT High Sound Quality VZ Specifications Performance Characteristics

    2002/95/EC) 120Hz, Tan60 120Hz 10kHz 300Hz 8100B PDF

    Electric Double Layer Capacitors, Radial Lead Type

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: ALUMINUM ELECTROLYTIC CAPACITORS JB Memory Back-Up Use series Developed for memory back-up, with load life of 1000 hours at + 85˚C. Superior to electric double layer type capacitors in the following characteristics: •Better voltage maintenance. •Speedier charge-up available due to low impedance feature.

    8100N Electric Double Layer Capacitors, Radial Lead Type PDF

    nichicon "size code" 12th

    Abstract: a4506 Nichicon 10000uf 16X16 SMD CODE MARKING 1E Nichicon ZD
    Text: ALUMINUM ELECTROLYTIC CAPACITORS UG nxcliicon Chip T yp e , Higher Capacitance Range senes Anti-Solvent Feature Through 100V only • Chip Type,higher capacitance in larger case sizes (¿ 1 2 .5 , ¿16, ¿18, ¿20) • Designed for surface mounting on high density PC board.

    OCR Scan
    10000uF 120Hz, 0-04CV 16X16 18X21 18X16 20X21 nichicon "size code" 12th a4506 Nichicon 10000uf SMD CODE MARKING 1E Nichicon ZD PDF

    18x marking code

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: n ic K ic o n ALUMINUM ELECTROLYTIC CAPACITORS Compact & Low-Profile Sized. Wide Temperature Range series • V ery s m a ll case sizes sam e as RS series, b u t o p e ra tin g over w id e te m p e ra tu re ra nge o f — 5 5 — H 0 5 °C . □ « •Specification

    OCR Scan
    1000pF, 120Hz 18x marking code PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: ALUMINUM ELECTROLYTIC CAPACITORS RZ n ic H x c o n Compact & Low-Profile Sized, W ide Temperature Range series Sm aller Anti-Solvent Feature • V ery s m a ll case sizes sam e as RS series, b u t o p e ra tin g over w id e te m p e ra tu re range o f - 5 5 — M 0 5 °C .

    OCR Scan
    120Hz PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: ALUMINUM ELECTROLYTIC CAPACITORS RT Low-Profile Sized. W ide Tem perature Range Anii Solvent Fe.iture :T*ouÿi20CVtrtf: • L o w - p r o file ca s e size s s a m e a s V S se rie s, b u t o p e r a tin g o v e r w id e te m p e ra tu r e ra n g e , • H ig h e r v o lta g e r a tin g s a v a ila b le u p to 4 0 0 V .

    OCR Scan
    i20CVtrtf: --400V 16X20 PDF

    PY 472 M

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: n ic R ic o n ALUMINUM ELECTROLYTIC CAPACITORS Low Impedance, High Reliability z m series Smaller Low Impedance Anti-Solvent Feature • Smaller case size than PL series. • Lower impedance at high frequency range. r~pŸ~i PL Smaller •Specifications Item

    OCR Scan
    10X12 16X31 PY 472 M PDF

    Nichicon MUSE

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: ALUMINUM ELECTROLYTIC CAPACITORS •FX 3 Miniature Sized, For Audio Equipment '¡ m S m alle r For Audio Use Anti-Solvent Feature • M iniature sized “ nichicon MUSE” acoustic series. • Suited for use in audio devices where lighter, thinner, shorter and smaller

    OCR Scan
    16X25 20X40 120Hz Nichicon MUSE PDF


    Abstract: PY 472 M
    Text: n ic n ic o n ALUMINUM ELECTROLYTIC CAPACITORS B series • Same case size as PF series, but extremely low impedance as little as 1/2 or PF series. • High reliability withstanding 5000 hours load life at + 1 05°C 3 0 0 0 /2 0 0 0 hours for smaller case size as specified below .

    OCR Scan
    120Hz, more80 16X15 18X15 16X20 16X25 18X20 16X31 18X25 200KHz-1 PY 472 M PDF

    825 385 4

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: ALUMINUM ELECTROLYTIC CAPACITORS Extremely Low Impedance, High Reliability H series Low Impedance Long Life Anti-Solvent Feature • Same case size as PF series, but extremely low impedance as little as 1/2 or PF series. • High reliability withstanding 5000 hours load life at +105°C 3 0 00 /2 00 0 hours for smaller

    OCR Scan
    120Hz, 825 385 4 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: ALUMINUM ELECTROLYTIC CAPACITORS M iniature Sized, Low Im pedance, For S w itching Power Supplies m c k ic o n 3 B B series Low ITpedant Anii-Solvant Feature rnntnigFlOOVoriyl • Wide temperature range type, miniature sized. wLaminated case products alsa available on request.

    OCR Scan
    -----h105 10X12 16X25 16X31 120Hz PDF

    nichicon vR

    Abstract: NICHICON VR SERIES 0q0221
    Text: ALUMINUM ELECTROLYTIC CAPACITORS VR niclixcon M iniature Sized Approved by Reliability Center for Electronic Component, Japan-Certification No. RCJ-03-22C series RCJ Approved Anti-Solvent Feature Through 100V only • One rank smaller case sizes than VX series.

    OCR Scan
    RCJ-03-22C 120Hz, 18X40 20X40 22X50 25X50 22X30 25X30 22X40 nichicon vR NICHICON VR SERIES 0q0221 PDF

    nichicon pY

    Abstract: PY 472 M nichicon py series capacitors
    Text: ALUMINUM ELECTROLYTIC CAPACITORS PY Low Im pedance, High R eliability L ic k i nichicon Z series Sm aller Law Impedance Anli-Salvent Feature * Sm aller case size than PL series. • Lower impedance at high frequency range. / \ Not for New Design. I PY Please refer to PW series Page 87 .

    OCR Scan
    120Hz, 16X31 18X35-5 18X35 nichicon pY PY 472 M nichicon py series capacitors PDF