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    MSM6373 Search Results

    MSM6373 Datasheets (8)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Curated Datasheet Type PDF
    MSM6373-100GS-VK OKI Semiconductor 1M-bit / 512K-bit / 256K-bit / 128K-bit MASK ROM SPEECH SYNTHESIZER Scan PDF
    MSM6373-100-RS OKI Semiconductor 1M-bit / 512K-bit / 256K-bit / 128K-bit MASK ROM SPEECH SYNTHESIZER Scan PDF
    MSM6373-102GS-VK OKI Semiconductor 1M-bit / 512K-bit / 256K-bit / 128K-bit MASK ROM SPEECH SYNTHESIZER Scan PDF
    MSM6373-102-RS OKI Semiconductor 1M-bit / 512K-bit / 256K-bit / 128K-bit MASK ROM SPEECH SYNTHESIZER Scan PDF
    MSM6373-114GS-VK OKI Semiconductor 1M-bit / 512K-bit / 256K-bit / 128K-bit MASK ROM SPEECH SYNTHESIZER Scan PDF
    MSM6373-114-RS OKI Semiconductor 1M-bit / 512K-bit / 256K-bit / 128K-bit MASK ROM SPEECH SYNTHESIZER Scan PDF
    MSM6373-XXXGS-VK OKI Semiconductor 1M bit / 512K bit / 256K bit MASK ROM SPEECH SYNTHESIZER Scan PDF
    MSM6373-XXXRS OKI Semiconductor 1M bit / 512K bit / 256K bit MASK ROM SPEECH SYNTHESIZER Scan PDF

    MSM6373 Datasheets Context Search

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    4bit straight adpcm method

    Abstract: OKI 9842 MSM9811 AR207 ML2302 AREX MSM6388 MSM6588 MSM66P54 66P56
    Text: お客様各位 資料中の「沖電気」「OKI」等名称の OKI セミコンダクタ株式会社への変更について 2008 年 10 月 1 日を以って沖電気工業株式会社の半導体事業は OKI セミコン ダクタ株式会社に承継されました。 従いまして、本資料中には「沖電気工業株

    PDF 12bit 4bit straight adpcm method OKI 9842 MSM9811 AR207 ML2302 AREX MSM6388 MSM6588 MSM66P54 66P56

    OKI 5205

    Abstract: AR203 VOICE RECORDED playback system MSM5205 MSM6258 MSM6295 MSM6376 MSM63P74
    Text: E2D0056-39-93 ¡ Semiconductor AR203 ¡ Semiconductor This version: Sep. AR203 1999 Previous version: May. 1997 Voice Analysis and Editing Tool GENERAL DESCRIPTION This voice analysis and editing tool is used to translate voice into PCM or ADPCM code to create a ROM

    PDF E2D0056-39-93 AR203 AR203" OKI 5205 AR203 VOICE RECORDED playback system MSM5205 MSM6258 MSM6295 MSM6376 MSM63P74

    MSM9842 reference manual

    Abstract: AR207 66P56 oki ML2240 MSM5205 MSM6258 MSM665X AR207/VOICEPRO3
    Text: VoicePro3 [AR207] Version 1.0 User’s Manual Contents Introduction Cautions Product Types System Configuration Installation 6 6 6 7 8 Installation of USB driver 8 Explanation of terminals 10 Software installation 10 Program Configuration Program startup procedure

    PDF AR207] 12bit MSM9842 reference manual AR207 66P56 oki ML2240 MSM5205 MSM6258 MSM665X AR207/VOICEPRO3

    chebyshev 0.2dB

    Abstract: MSM63* ADPCM
    Text: This version: Jan. 1998 Previous version: May. 1997 E2D0078-27-41 ¡ Semiconductor Q&A CONTENTS Q1: What kind of method is ADPCM? Q2: What is the specific value of the quantized width by ADPCM? Q3: How should we perceive the relationship between bit rates and the synthesis length and

    PDF E2D0078-27-41 19cm/sec, chebyshev 0.2dB MSM63* ADPCM


    Abstract: M6378A MSM6376 MSM6258 msm6650 MSM63P74 MSM5205 MSM6295 oki voice prom ARW-03
    Text: E2D0084-39-21 ¡ Semiconductor AR204 ¡ Semiconductor This version: Feb. AR204 1999 Previous version: May. 1997 Voice Analysis and Editing Tool GENERAL DESCRIPTION The voice analysis and editing tool AR204 is used to translate voice into PCM or ADPCM to create

    PDF E2D0084-39-21 AR204 AR204 MSM6375 MSM6372, MSM6373, MSM6374, MSM6375, M6378A MSM6376 MSM6258 msm6650 MSM63P74 MSM5205 MSM6295 oki voice prom ARW-03


    Abstract: VOICE RECORDED playback system OKI 5205 MSM6 MSM5205 MSM6258 MSM6295 MSM6376 MSM63P74 voice play ic
    Text: E2D0056-27-41 ¡ Semiconductor AR203 ¡ Semiconductor This version: Jan. AR203 1998 Previous version: May. 1997 Voice Analysis and Editing Tool GENERAL DESCRIPTION This voice analysis and editing tool is used to translate voice into ADPCM/ADPCM2/SBC codes to

    PDF E2D0056-27-41 AR203 AR203" MSM63P74 MSM6378A MSM6379 MSM66P54 AR203 VOICE RECORDED playback system OKI 5205 MSM6 MSM5205 MSM6258 MSM6295 MSM6376 MSM63P74 voice play ic


    Abstract: AR207 MBM27C1001A FUJITSU HN27C301 Toshiba 8896 AR207-FUL TC571000A MSM6650 MSM9800 Macronix
    Text: Technical Brief O K I S P E E C H P R O D U C T S Oki AR207 Voice Analyzing and Editing Tool for Speech ICs December 2002 • ■ –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––

    PDF AR207 MBM27C1001A AR207 MBM27C1001A FUJITSU HN27C301 Toshiba 8896 AR207-FUL TC571000A MSM6650 MSM9800 Macronix


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: O K I semiconductor M SM6375-XXX/MSM6374-XXX/MSM6373-XXX_ 1M bit/512K bit/256K bit M ASK ROM SPEECH SYNTHESIZER_ GENERAL DESCRIPTION The M SM6375 series is an A D P C M speech synthesis LSI utilizing a C M O S speech processor circuit in conjunction with a built-in M A S K R O M for speech data storage. Since it has a built-in 12-bit DA

    OCR Scan
    PDF SM6375-XXX/MSM6374-XXX/MSM6373-XXX_ it/512K it/256K SM6375 12-bit


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: O K I semiconductor MSM6375 / M SM 6374 1 MSM6373 I MSM6372 1M bit/512Kbit/256K bit M A SK ROM SPEECH SYNTHESIZER G EN ERA L DESCRIPTION The MSM6375 series is an ADPCM speech synthesis LSI utilizing a CMOS speech processor circuit in conjunction w ith a built-in M ASK ROM fo r speech data storage. Since it has a built-in 12-bit DA

    OCR Scan
    PDF MSM6375 MSM6373 MSM6372 it/512Kbit/256K 12-bit MSM6376


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: O K I semiconductor MSM6375-XXX/MSM6374-XXX/MSM6373-XXX_ 1M bit/512K bit/256K bit MASK ROM SPEECH SYNTHESIZER_ GENERAL DESCRIPTION The MSM6375 series is an ADPCM speech synthesis LSI u tiliz in g a CMOS speech processor c irc u it in co n ju n c tio n w ith a b u ilt-in MASK ROM fo r speech d a ta storage. Since i t has a b u ilt-in 12-bit DA

    OCR Scan
    PDF MSM6375-XXX/MSM6374-XXX/MSM6373-XXX_ it/512K it/256K MSM6375 12-bit


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: S p e e c h S y n th e sis T P la y - O n ly S e r ie s Serial Voice Registers/ROMs J_ R e c o r d / P la y M e m o ry L o W 'P o w e r S p e c ia l S e r ie s In te r fa c e s A m p lifie r s F u n c t io n s I MSM6295 MSM6372 MSM6373 MSM6374/63P74

    OCR Scan
    PDF SC1191 MSM6295 MSM6372 MSM6373 MSM6374/63P74 MSM6375 MSM6376 MSM6378A MSM6585 MSM6650

    TB 2929 H

    Abstract: TB 2929 Ha amplifier TB 2929 H amplifier TSC 4424 oki voice synthesizer msm6375 rsj-5 TB 2929 MSM6376 diode i0-i6
    Text: O K I semiconductor MSM6375 / MSM6374 / MSM6373 / MSM6372_ 1M bit/512K bit/256K bit M A SK ROM SPEECH SYNTHESIZER_ GEN ERA L DESCRIPTION Th e M SM 6375 se rie s is an A D P C M sp eech syn thesis LSI u tiliz in g a CM OS sp eech processor c irc u it in

    OCR Scan
    PDF MSM6375 MSM6374 MSM6373 MSM6372 it/512Kbit/256K 12-bit MSM6376 TB 2929 H TB 2929 Ha amplifier TB 2929 H amplifier TSC 4424 oki voice synthesizer msm6375 rsj-5 TB 2929 diode i0-i6


    Abstract: No abstract text available

    OCR Scan
    PDF MSM6372, MSM6373, MSM6374, MSM6375, MSM6376) MSM6374


    Abstract: oki m6376 msm6376 J3E diode oki msm6376 oki voice synthesizer msm6375 diode i0-i6 7b424 oscV16 ADPCM SPEECH SYNTHESIZER LSIs
    Text: O K I Semiconductor MSM6376_ A D P C M S P EE C H S Y N TH E S IZE R W ITH EXTERNAL R O M G ENER AL D ES C R IP TIO N MSM6376 is a tw o-channel m ixing ADPCM speech synthesizer LSI using u p to 16 M-bit external speech data storage, such as ROM,

    OCR Scan
    PDF MSM6376_ MSM6376 12-bit MSM6372, MSM6373, MSM6374, MSM6375, MSM6376 m6376 oki m6376 J3E diode oki msm6376 oki voice synthesizer msm6375 diode i0-i6 7b424 oscV16 ADPCM SPEECH SYNTHESIZER LSIs


    Abstract: MSM6373-329 MSM6374-545 SM6374-006 SM6372-119
    Text: O K I Semiconductor GENERAL-PURPOSE ROM CODE LIBRARY Built-in mask ROM voice synthesis ICs and serial voice ROMs are manufactured according to customer orders. The following standard products are also available for general use and for sound quality evaluation and demonstration.

    OCR Scan
    PDF MSM6375 MSM6372-100 SM6372-119 SM6373-308 MSM6373-329 SM6374-006 MSM6374-007 SM6374-519 MSM6374-544 MSM6374-545


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: O K I Semiconductor M S M 6 3 7 5 /4 /3 /2 -X X X 1M bit/512K bit/256K bit/128K bit M A S K RO M S P E E C H S Y N T H E S IZ E R G E N E R A L D E S C R IP T IO N The MSM 6375 series is an ADPCM speech synthesis LSI utilizing a CM OS speech pro­ cessor circuit in conjunction with a built-in

    OCR Scan
    PDF it/512K it/256K it/128K 12-bit 200ms

    4424 ym

    Abstract: oki voice synthesizer msm6375 tba 2929 07FFD 20191 MSM505 MSM6376 KF-38S4 MSM6374-006 MSM6373-329
    Text: O K I Semiconductor M S M 6375/4/3/2-X X X 1 M -b it/5 1 2 K -b it/2 5 6 K -b it/1 2 8 K -b it M A S K R O M SPEECH SY N TH E S IZ E R G ENER AL D ES C R IP TIO N T he M SM 6375 series is a n A D PC M speech sy n th esis LSI u tilizin g a C M O S sp eech p ro ­

    OCR Scan
    PDF MSM6375/4/3/2-XXX 1M-bit/512K-bit/256K-bit/128K-bit MSM6375 12-bit MSM6376 MSM637X b7E42m: 001b310 4424 ym oki voice synthesizer msm6375 tba 2929 07FFD 20191 MSM505 KF-38S4 MSM6374-006 MSM6373-329


    Abstract: MSM6374-007 MSM6374 cd 1191 cb
    Text: O K I Semiconductor MSM6375/4/3/2-XXX 1M bit/512K bit/256K bit/128K bit MASK ROM SPEECH SYNTHESIZER GENERAL DESCRIPTION The M SM 6375 series is an ADPCM speech synthesis LSI utilizing a CM OS speech pro­ cessor circuit in conjunction with a built-in M ASK ROM for speech data storage. Since it

    OCR Scan
    PDF MSM6375/4/3/2-XXX it/512K it/256K it/128K 12-bit MSM6373-329 MSM6374-007 MSM6374 cd 1191 cb


    Abstract: MSM6374
    Text: INTRODUCTION O K I Semiconductor 5. PACKAGING P ro d u c t N o. o f D ie nam e P in s F o rm MSM5205 18 MSM6585 18 MSM6295V 42 MSM6295 44 MSM6376 64 MSM6372 18 S O P /Q F P D ip RS M S -K G S -K 18 18 18 O o o o o o o o o o o o 24 MSM63P74 o o 20 MSM5218 24

    OCR Scan
    PDF MSM5205 MSM6585 MSM6295V MSM6295 MSM6376 MSM6372 MSM6373 MSM6374 MSM6375 MSM63P74

    MSM62* ADPCM

    Abstract: M6378A M66P M66P54
    Text: E2D5084-27-50 O K I Semiconductor Voice Analysis and Editing Tool GENERAL DESCRIPTION The voice analysis and editing tool AR204 is used to translate voice into PCM, ADPCM or SBC data to create ROM data for OKI's voice IC. The AR204 is composed of a voice analysis and editing board with a simplified ROM writer attached

    OCR Scan
    PDF E2D5084-27-50 AR204 VoicePR02" VoicePR02 MSM6375 MSM6372, MSM6373, MSM6374, MSM6375, MSM62* ADPCM M6378A M66P M66P54


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: O K I Semiconductor MSM6376_ ADPCM SPEECH SYNTHESIZER WITH EXTERNAL ROM GENERAL DESCRIPTION M SM 6376 is a two-channel mixing ADPCM speech synthesizer LSI using up to 16 M-bit external speech data storage, such as ROM, and EPROM. Since it has a built-in 12-bit DA

    OCR Scan
    PDF MSM6376_ 12-bit MSM6376 MSM6373, 256Kbit 001L3S7 MSM6376 27C256 2HE40 M6376

    drum machine sound ic

    Abstract: m6388 xk 22e E2D5050-27-50 drum sound ic 7737C 6B6g WCT - A24 birthday
    Text: E2D5050-27-50 O K I Semiconductor_ GENERAL-PURPOSE ROM CODE LIBRARY Built-in m ask R O M voice synthesis IC s and serial voice RO M s are m anufactured according to custom er orders. The follow ing standard products are also available fo r general use and for sound

    OCR Scan
    PDF E2D5050-27-50 MSM6375 MSM6372-100 MSM6372-119 MSM6373-308 MSM6373-329 MSM6374-Q06 MSM6374-007 MSM6374-519 MSM6374-544 drum machine sound ic m6388 xk 22e E2D5050-27-50 drum sound ic 7737C 6B6g WCT - A24 birthday


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: E2D5056-27-50 Semiconductor AR203 Voice Analysis and Editing Tool GENERAL DESCRIPTION This voice analysis and editing tool is used to translate voice into ADPCM / ADPCM2/SBC codes to create a ROM for OKI's voice IC. FEATURES The voice analysis and editing tool is composed of a voice analysis and editing board, "AR203", with

    OCR Scan
    PDF E2D5056-27-50 AR203 AR203" MSM6375 MSM6372, MSM6373, MSM6374, MSM6375, MSM63P74 MSM6378A CREATION MACHINE

    CT 1975 - sam

    Abstract: CT 1975 sam MSM6373-329 MSM6374-007 TB 2929 Ho PM641
    Text: O K I Semiconductor MSM6375/4/3/2-XXX 1 M-bit/512K-bit/256K-bit/128K-bit M ASK ROM S P E E C H SY N T H ESIZ ER G E N E R A L D ESCRIPTIO N The MSM6375 series is an ADPCM speech synthesis LSI utilizing a CMOS speech pro­ cessor circuit in conjunction with a built-in

    OCR Scan
    PDF MSM6375/4/3/2-XXX M-bit/512K-bit/256K-bit/128K-bit MSM6375 12-bit MSM6376 b72424D CT 1975 - sam CT 1975 sam MSM6373-329 MSM6374-007 TB 2929 Ho PM641