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    RTC DS12C887 Search Results

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    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Download Buy
    ISL1220IUZ Renesas Electronics Corporation Low Power RTC with 8 Bytes of Battery Backed SRAM and Separate FOUT Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    ISL12024IVZ Renesas Electronics Corporation Real Time Clock/Calendar with Embedded Unique ID Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    ISL12057DBEV1Z Renesas Electronics Corporation ISL120x Real Time Clock USB Evaluation System Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    1339-2DCGI Renesas Electronics Corporation Real-Time Clock With Serial I2C Interface Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    1337GCSRI Renesas Electronics Corporation Real-Time Clock With I2C Serial Interface Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation

    RTC DS12C887 Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: RTC in 8051 8051 DS12887 microcontroller 8051 schematic of ds12887 DS12887 DS12C887 DS12885 DS12887A DS12C887A DS12CR887
    Text: Maxim > App Notes > Real-Time Clocks Keywords: real time clock, RTC, timekeeping, time keeping, multiplexed bus, interface Jul 17, 2002 APPLICATION NOTE 1145 Interface a Multiplexed-Bus Real-Time Clock to a µP With Separate Address and Data Buses Abstract: This application note provides general information about how to interface a real-time clock RTC

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    Text: Maxim > App Notes > REAL-TIME CLOCKS Keywords: DS1287, DS12887, HT12888, HT12888A, real time clock, rtc, CMOS, RTCs, battery, pc, personal computer, cmos battery Feb 07, 2002 APPLICATION NOTE 503 Replacing the DS1287/DS12887 Real-Time Clock in a Personal Computer

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    Text: Maxim > App Notes > REAL-TIME CLOCKS Keywords: Y2K, year 2000, DS1285, DS1287, DS12885, DS12887, DS12C885, DS12C887, RTCs, real-time clock Apr 05, 2001 APPLICATION NOTE 562 Tech Brief 8: Problems and Solutions for the Year 2000 Abstract: This technical brief gives a background on the development of the real-time clock RTC in the

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    Text: Real-Time Clocks 1st Edition June 2009 A real-time clock for every need No matter what your system requires of a real-time clock, the variety of choices at Maxim will help you find the ideal RTC for your application. We offer more interface options and more value-added features, such

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    Text: Real-Time Clocks 1st Edition June 2009 A real-time clock for every need No matter what your system requires of a real-time clock, the variety of choices at Maxim will help you find the ideal RTC for your application. We offer more interface options and more value-added features, such

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    Text: . REAL-TIME CLOCKS Application Note 769: Feb 07, 2002 App Note 503: Replacing the DS1287/DS12887 Real-Time Clock in a Personal Computer This application note describes the replacement of the DS1287/DS12887 real-time clock RTC or "CMOS clock" in a personal computer (PC). The CMOS clock is also sometimes referred to as

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    Text: REAL-TIME CLOCKS Application Note 1145: Jul 17, 2002 Interface a Multiplexed-Bus Real-Time Clock to a µP With Separate Address and Data Buses An IC multiplexed-bus real-time clock RTC is designed for use with processors that include a multiplexed data-address bus, but some designers prefer to use such "mux-bus" RTCs with processors

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    Text: 19-5213; Rev 4; 4/10 Real-Time Clocks The DS12885, DS12887, and DS12C887 real-time clocks RTCs are designed to be direct replacements for the DS1285 and DS1287. The devices provide a real-time clock/calendar, one time-of-day alarm, three maskable interrupts with a common interrupt output, a

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    Text: 19-5213; Rev 4; 4/10 Real-Time Clocks The DS12885, DS12887, and DS12C887 real-time clocks RTCs are designed to be direct replacements for the DS1285 and DS1287. The devices provide a real-time clock/calendar, one time-of-day alarm, three maskable interrupts with a common interrupt output, a

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    Text: Rev 2; 5/06 Real-Time Clock The DS12885, DS12887, and DS12C887 real-time clocks RTCs are designed to be direct replacements for the DS1285 and DS1287. The devices provide a real-time clock/calendar, one time-of-day alarm, three maskable interrupts with a common interrupt output, a

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    Text: Rev 3; 2/07 Real-Time Clock The DS12885, DS12887, and DS12C887 real-time clocks RTCs are designed to be direct replacements for the DS1285 and DS1287. The devices provide a real-time clock/calendar, one time-of-day alarm, three maskable interrupts with a common interrupt output, a

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    Text: Rev 0; 6/05 Real-Time Clock The DS12885, DS12887, and DS12C887 real-time clocks RTCs are designed to be direct replacements for the DS1285 and DS1287. The devices provide a real-time clock/calendar, one time-of-day alarm, three maskable interrupts with a common interrupt output, a

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    Text: Rev 3; 2/07 Real-Time Clock The DS12885, DS12887, and DS12C887 real-time clocks RTCs are designed to be direct replacements for the DS1285 and DS1287. The devices provide a real-time clock/calendar, one time-of-day alarm, three maskable interrupts with a common interrupt output, a

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    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Rev 1; 4/06 Real-Time Clock The DS12885, DS12887, and DS12C887 real-time clocks RTCs are designed to be direct replacements for the DS1285 and DS1287. The devices provide a real-time clock/calendar, one time-of-day alarm, three maskable interrupts with a common interrupt output, a

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    Abstract: RTC DS12C887 date ds12c887 DS12C887 DS1287 DS12887 MC146818B RTC DS12C885
    Text: DS12C887 Real Time Clock FEATURES Drop-in replacement for IBM AT computer clock/calendar Pin compatible with the MC146818B and DS1287 Totally nonvolatile with over 10 years of operation in the absence of power Self-contained subsystem includes lithium,

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    Abstract: date ds12c887 DS1287 DS12887 DS12C887 MC146818B
    Text: DS12C887 Real Time Clock FEATURES Drop-in replacement for IBM AT computer clock/calendar Pin compatible with the MC146818B and DS1287 Totally nonvolatile with over 10 years of operation in the absence of power Self-contained subsystem includes lithium,

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    Text: Real-Time Clocks Product Guide 详细信息 精密时钟 .2 高 I2C接口 .5

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    Abstract: DS1287 RTC DS12C887
    Text: Maxim > App Notes > REAL-TIME CLOCKS Keywords: DST, Daylight Saving Time, Daylight Savings Time Mar 23, 2006 APPLICATION NOTE 3778 Problems and Solutions for Adjusting to Changes in Daylight Saving Time Abstract: Recent U.S. legislation increased the daylight saving time DST period by four weeks. This change

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    Abstract: DS1287 DS12887 MC146818B DS12887 18 pin DALLAS DS12C887
    Text: DS12C887 PRELIMINARY DS12C887 Real Time Clock FEATURES • Drop–in PIN ASSIGNMENT replacement for IBM AT computer clock/ calendar MOT 1 24 VCC NC 2 23 SQW NC 3 22 NC AD0 4 21 NC • Self–contained AD1 5 20 NC AD2 6 19 IRQ • Counts AD3 7 18 RESET AD4

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    Text: Real-Time Clocks Product Guide Learn More Page Accurate Timekeeping . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 High-ESR Crystals. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 I2C Interface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5

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    Text: DS12C887A Real Time Clock FEATURES PIN ASSIGNMENT Drop-in replacement for IBM AT computer clock/calendar Pin compatible with the MC146818B and DS1287A Totally nonvolatile with over 10 years of operation in the absence of power Self-contained subsystem includes lithium,

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    Text: DS12C887A Real-Time Clock FEATURES § § § § § § § § § § § § § § § PIN ASSIGNMENT Drop-in replacement for IBM AT computer clock/calendar Pin compatible with the MC146818B and DS1287A Totally nonvolatile with over 10 years of operation in the absence of power

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    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: DS12C887 PRELIMINARY DALLAS SEMICONDUCTOR DS12C887 Real Tim e C lock FEATURES PIN ASSIGNMENT • D rop-in replacem ent for IBM AT com puter clock/ calendar MOT i 1 24 § Vcc 2 231 SQW 3 221 NC 4 NC 5 21 I 201 6 19 AD3 | 7 18 R ESET AD4 I 8 171 DS AD5 I 9 16

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    Text: D S 12C 887 PRELIMINARY DALLAS DS12C887 Real Time Clock SEMICONDUCTOR FEATURES PIN ASSIGNM ENT • D rop -in replacem ent for IBM AT com puter clock/ calendar MOT • Pin com patible with the M C 146818B and DS1287 NC • Totally nonvolatile with over 10 years of operation in

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