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    SIGNETICS 2655 Search Results

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    ECAD Model
    HD6472655RTEV Renesas Electronics Corporation High-end Microcontrollers for Automotive Control and Factory Automation Applications (Non Promotion) Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    HD6472655RTEIV Renesas Electronics Corporation High-end Microcontrollers for Automotive Control and Factory Automation Applications (Non Promotion) Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    HD6432655XXXF Renesas Electronics Corporation High-end Microcontrollers for Automotive Control and Factory Automation Applications (Non Promotion), , / Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    HD6472655RFV Renesas Electronics Corporation High-end Microcontrollers for Automotive Control and Factory Automation Applications (Non Promotion), FQFP, /Tray Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    HD6472655RVFIV Renesas Electronics Corporation High-end Microcontrollers for Automotive Control and Factory Automation Applications (Non Promotion) Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation

    SIGNETICS 2655 Datasheets Context Search

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    transistor C3866

    Abstract: Zener PH SEC E13009 ups circuit schematic diagram 1000w E13007 2 E13007 C3866 power transistor texas ttl 74L505 Transistor C3246



    Abstract: 74AC153N 74AC08N 74ac74n 74ac14 philips 74AC138N 74AC00N 74AC151N 74ac86N 74AC240N
    Text: Standard Logic Thousands of new ICs are in the pipeline for addition and not shown below. Call us to see if you can save 10-20%. Package TI Jameco Fairchild On Semi ST Micro Philips Toshiba AC T DIP DIP SOIC SOIC SN74AC(T)XXXN CD74AC(T)XXXE SN74AC(T)XXXD/DW

    SN74AC CD74AC MC74AC TC74AC 74AC04N 74AC153N 74AC08N 74ac74n 74ac14 philips 74AC138N 74AC00N 74AC151N 74ac86N 74AC240N PDF


    Abstract: wf vqc 10d alu 9308 d Signetics 2650 SN52723 2650 cpu 82S103 pipbug Signetics NE561 cd 75232
    Text: flcnCTICf ßii>ouiR/mos fflICROPROCEÍSOR DATfl mnnuni SIGNETICS reserves the right to make changes in the products contained in this book in order to improve design or performance and to supply the best possible products. Signetics also assumes no responsibility for the

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    Signetics 2655

    Abstract: 2650 cpu 2655 signetics block diagram of ppi Signetics 2650 1/mds 2655
    Text: 2655 PRODUCT PREVIEW DESCRIPTION The Signetics 2655 PPI is designed for 2650 m icrocom puter systems. It consists of three ports 24 I/O pins , which can be individually programmed to function as input, output or bidirectional ports. Interface with the 2650

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    Signetics 2650

    Abstract: SIGNETICS 2656 2kx8 rom 2655 ppi 128X8 2650 signetics 74LS240 1K x4 static ram application note 1K x4 static ram 1A08-1A0F
    Text: 2656-1 PRELIMINARY SPECIFICATION PIN CONFIGURATION DESCRIPTION FEATURES The. Signetics 2656 System Memory Inter­ face SMI is a mask programmable circuit with on-chip memory, I/O, and timing (clock) functions. It is useable either in 2chip or m ulti-chip m icrocom puter systems.

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    128X8 0000-07FF 82S181) 0800-0BFF 1400-14FF 1500-157F 74LS374) 74LS240) 1A08-1A0F Signetics 2650 SIGNETICS 2656 2kx8 rom 2655 ppi 2650 signetics 74LS240 1K x4 static ram application note 1K x4 static ram 1A08-1A0F PDF

    harris 201

    Abstract: H12-200-2 rc4558 H1200 HA-2650 Signetics 2605 HI-5051 dg506 HI5043 DG507
    Text: PART NUMBER M ANUFACTURER Raytheon Signetics Silicon General Siliconix H A R R IS E Q U IV A L E N T RM /R C1556A HA-2600/2605 RM/RC4131 HA-2600/2605 RM /RC4132 HA-2700/2705 RM/RC4531 H A-2500/2505 RM /RC4558 HA-2650/2655 111/211/311 H A -2 1 11/2211/2311

    OCR Scan
    RM/RC1556A HA-2600/2605 RM/RC4131 RM/RC4132 HA-2700/2705 RM/RC4531 HA-2500/2505 RM/RC4558 HA-2650/2655 harris 201 H12-200-2 rc4558 H1200 HA-2650 Signetics 2605 HI-5051 dg506 HI5043 DG507 PDF


    Abstract: h1-5051 HI-5046 RC4531
    Text: PA R T N U M BER M AN UFAC TURER Raytheon Signetics Silicon General Siliconix H A R R IS E Q U IV A L E N T RM/RC1556A HA-2600/2605 RM/RC4131 HA-2600/2605 RM/RC4132 HA-2700/2705 RM/RC4531 HA-2500/2505 RM/RC4558 HA-2650/2655 111/211/311 HA-2111/2211/2311 1488

    OCR Scan
    RM/RC1556A HA-2600/2605 RM/RC4131 RM/RC4132 HA-2700/2705 RM/RC4531 HA-2500/2505 RM/RC4558 HA-2650/2655 H12-200 h1-5051 HI-5046 RC4531 PDF


    Abstract: 54175 TFK 404 MM1402a equivalent SD300 N74141 SN7401 3 BB 4 SO 5 CON 6 RAY 7 CC 8 SI 9 RB 10 RG 11 VE
    Text: NUMERICAL INDEX FUNCTIONAL INDEX SALES OFFICES Copyright 1974 S IG N E T IC S C O R P O R A T IO N Signetics Corporation reserves the right to make changes in the products contained in this book in order to improve design or performance and to supply the best possible product.

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    74S114N N74S114B 74S15A 74S22N 74S20A 74S22A 74S40N 74S40A 74S64N 74S64A SN7441 54175 TFK 404 MM1402a equivalent SD300 N74141 SN7401 3 BB 4 SO 5 CON 6 RAY 7 CC 8 SI 9 RB 10 RG 11 VE PDF

    Signetics 2650

    Abstract: 2655 signetics Signetics 2655 2655 ppi "Pin compatible" Signetics 26551 2650 signetics
    Text: Signetics Microprocessors 2655—Programmable Peripheral Interface C O N N E C T IO N D IA G R A M G E N E R A L D E S C R IP T IO N T h e 2 6 5 5 PPI is designed fo r 2 6 5 0 m ic ro c o m p u te r system consists o f three ports 2 4 I / O p in s , w h ich can be in d iv i­

    OCR Scan

    equivalent data book of 10N60 mosfet

    Abstract: MC14016CP GD4511 an-6466 CX 2859 SMD 74AC14 spice 6120* harris HCF4018be 7028 SMD Transistor spice irfbc40
    Text: $5.00 S E M I C O N D U C T O R TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE Harris Marketing Support Services HMSS , 1-800-4HARRIS HMSS provides world-class service to customers requiring information on all products offered by Harris Semiconductor. Ask Harris Marketing Support Services for answers concerning:

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    1-800-4HARRIS equivalent data book of 10N60 mosfet MC14016CP GD4511 an-6466 CX 2859 SMD 74AC14 spice 6120* harris HCF4018be 7028 SMD Transistor spice irfbc40 PDF


    Abstract: MC1013P MC680P 796HC mc1235l MC838P MC814G MC1670L 723HC 741hm
    Text: 27-18 LH 0002 C LH 0002 CN 586-81! .587-270 AMPEX CURRENT A M PLIFIE R IN PUT 27-18 AMPEX REV 111 NH 0005C 586-495 D AC08CZ 587-896 27 + R ef | 1_ O PE R ATIO N AL A M PLIFIE R 8 BIT D -A CONVERTER 2" 14 13 12 11 6 5 4 1I i i i i i 3 1 13 , +12V So-4

    OCR Scan
    LH0002C LH0002CN NH0005C DAC08CZ NH0014C DH0034 78M12HC MMH0026CG 79M12AHC 75460BP SN72710L MC1013P MC680P 796HC mc1235l MC838P MC814G MC1670L 723HC 741hm PDF

    TCA965 equivalent

    Abstract: ULN2283 capacitor 473j 100n UAF771 transistor GDV 65A pbd352303 cm2716 TAA2761 TAA4761 ULN2401
    Text: veryimpressivePrice. power drain. For the same low price astheTTL-compatible DG211. Very Impressive Performance. Low power, low source-drain ON resistance, low switching times, low current, low price. It all adds up to superstar performance for portable and battery-operated

    OCR Scan
    DG211. DG300 DG308 DG211 TCA965 equivalent ULN2283 capacitor 473j 100n UAF771 transistor GDV 65A pbd352303 cm2716 TAA2761 TAA4761 ULN2401 PDF


    Abstract: H11-506A-5 AD7512 equivalent AM-452-2 HA2-2055-5 am-462-2 DG509 SHM1C1 am452-2 H12-200-2
    Text: BURN-IN CIRCUITS HI-201 H I-2 0 0 TO-100 T a = +125°C R ! = 1 0 K ÌÌ D i D 2 D 3 = IN 4 0 0 2 F re q : = l O O K H z N O TES: T a = +125°C D 1 0 2 = IN 4 0 0 2 F re q : = l O O K H z HI -506/507/506A/507A DASH f NOTES: A q = 100KHZ A-j = 5 0 K H Z A 2 = 25KHZ

    OCR Scan
    HI-200 O-100 IN4002 HI-201 IN4Q02 HI-506/507/506A/507A 100khz 50khz 25khz HI-508A MPC16S H11-506A-5 AD7512 equivalent AM-452-2 HA2-2055-5 am-462-2 DG509 SHM1C1 am452-2 H12-200-2 PDF

    CD4046 equivalent

    Abstract: ca3130 replacement ma702 MC1554 CMP-01 CD4046 MCI 1458 LH0002 equivalent UA740 CD4016 equivalent
    Text: MANUFACTURER Fairchild Semiconductor Intersil PART NUMBER H A R R IS EQ U IV A LE N T NOTES M A 7 02 HA-2620/2625 /XA709 HA-909/911 B2 ;uA715 HA-2520/2525 B2 juA725 HA-2700/2705 A3 M A727 HA-2900/2905 C2 M A734 HA-2111/2311 C2 M A 7 40 HA-2060/2065 B2 juA741

    OCR Scan
    MA702 JUA709 uA715 juA725 MA727 MA734 juA741 MA747 JUA748 JUA772 CD4046 equivalent ca3130 replacement MC1554 CMP-01 CD4046 MCI 1458 LH0002 equivalent UA740 CD4016 equivalent PDF


    Abstract: UA715 H12-200 A740 JUA709 JUA748 JUA772 MA727 MA747 MA776
    Text: MANUFACTURER Fairchild Semiconductor Intersil PART NUMBER HARRIS EQUIVALENT NOTES MA702 HA-2620/2625 C2 /XA709 HA-909/911 B2 ;uA715 HA-2520/2525 B2 juA725 HA-2700/2705 A3 C2 MA727 HA-2900/2905 MA734 HA-2111/2311 C2 MA740 HA-2060/2065 B2 juA741 HA-909/911,2600/2605

    OCR Scan
    MA702 JUA709 uA715 juA725 MA727 MA734 juA741 MA747 JUA748 JUA772 H12-200 A740 JUA709 MA776 PDF

    509a-5 harris

    Abstract: HA-2820 HI-508A 508A HI-200 HI-201 HI-509A IN4002 IMO5 1001 harris
    Text: BURN-IN CIRCUITS HI-201 H I-200 TO-100 T a = +125°C R ! = 1 0 K ÌÌ D i D 2 D 3 = IN 4 0 0 2 F re q : = l O O K H z N O TES: T a = +125°C D 1 0 2 = IN 4 0 0 2 F re q : = l O O K H z HI -506/507/506A/507A f A-j = 5 0 K H Z DAS H NOTES: A q = 100KHZ A 2 = 25KHZ

    OCR Scan
    HI-200 O-100 IN4002 HI-201 IN4Q02 HI-506/507/506A/507A 100khz 50khz 25khz HI-508A 509a-5 harris HA-2820 HI-508A 508A HI-200 HI-201 HI-509A IMO5 1001 harris PDF


    Abstract: MPC16S HI-200-5 Burr Brown 3550K HA2-2065-5 RC1556 HA2-2055 AM715 AM-462-2 H11-506A-5
    Text: BURN-IN CIRCUITS HI-201 H I-2 0 0 TO-100 T a = +125°C R ! = 1 0 K ÌÌ D i D 2 D 3 = IN 4 0 0 2 F re q : = l O O K H z N O TES: T a = +125°C D 1 0 2 = IN 4 0 0 2 F re q : = l O O K H z HI -506/507/506A/507A f A-j = 5 0 K H Z DAS H NOTES: A q = 100KHZ A 2 = 25KHZ

    OCR Scan
    HI-200 O-100 IN4002 HI-201 IN4Q02 HI-506/507/506A/507A 100khz 50khz 25khz HI-508A H12-200 MPC16S HI-200-5 Burr Brown 3550K HA2-2065-5 RC1556 HA2-2055 AM715 AM-462-2 H11-506A-5 PDF


    Abstract: 74hc123 philips 54HC123 T423
    Text: File Number 1708 T'5l-l9-00 High-Speed CMOS Logic Dual Retriggerabie Monostable Multivibrators with Resets T y p e Features: • Overriding RESET Terminates Output Pulse ■ Triggering From the Leading or Trailing Edge • Q and Q Buffered Outputs • Separate Resets

    OCR Scan
    CD54/74HC123, CD54/74HCT123 CD54/74HC423, CD54/74HCT423 5l-l9-00 RCA-CD54/74HCT123 54/74HC 54/74HCT 92CS-3922S 74HCT123 74hc123 philips 54HC123 T423 PDF

    1488 1489 standard

    Abstract: MC1533 MC1554 ma702 AD7513 MPC16S Exar cross HA2-2055 CMP-01 Solitron Devices
    Text: CROSSREFERENCE Linear and Interface Devices PART NUM BER MANUFACTURER Advanced Micro Devices Analog Devices Burr Brown Datel Exar H A R R IS E Q U IV A L E N T N O T ES A M 1 11/211/3111 HA-2111/2211/2311 A1 A M 118/318 HA-2510/2515 B2 AM 715 HA-2520/2525

    OCR Scan
    AM111/211/3111 HA-2111/2211/2311 HA-2510/2515 AM715 HA-2520/2525 AM1660 HA-2500/2505 HA-2600/2605 HA-2700/2705 HD-1488 1488 1489 standard MC1533 MC1554 ma702 AD7513 MPC16S Exar cross HA2-2055 CMP-01 Solitron Devices PDF

    1488 1489 standard

    Abstract: MC1554 HA2111 LM1488 232C AM715 HA-2111 HA-2211 HA-2825 HI-1085
    Text: SELECTION GUIDE Interface Circuits COMPARATORS PA RAM ETER+ -55°C to +125°C HA-2111 Offset Voltage Bias Current Offset Current Response Time TYP Output Current (+25°C) -25°C to +85°C H A -2211 0°C to +75°C HA-2311 UNITS 4 4 150 20 200 50 150 20 10

    OCR Scan
    HA-2111 HA-2211 HI-1085 HA-2825 Li-29 Li-30 1488 1489 standard MC1554 HA2111 LM1488 232C AM715 HA-2825 HI-1085 PDF

    1488 1489 standard

    Abstract: Li-116 HA-2700 teledyne philbrick 1430 ca3130 replacement ma702 MC1554 HARRIS / HA1 LM 1436 MPC16S
    Text: CROSSREFERENCE Linear and Interface Devices PART NUM BER MANUFACTURER Advanced Micro Devices Analog Devices Burr Brown Datel Exar H A R R IS E Q U IV A L E N T N O T ES A M 1 11/211/3111 HA-2111/2211/2311 A1 A M 118/318 HA-2510/2515 B2 AM 715 HA-2520/2525

    OCR Scan
    AM111/211/3111 HA-2111/2211/2311 HA-2510/2515 AM715 HA-2520/2525 AM1660 HA-2500/2505 HA-2600/2605 HA-2700/2705 HD-1488 1488 1489 standard Li-116 HA-2700 teledyne philbrick 1430 ca3130 replacement ma702 MC1554 HARRIS / HA1 LM 1436 MPC16S PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: T - b 1 - Z i - 5 \ Technical Data CD54/74HC354, CD54/74HCT354 CD54/74HC356, CD54/74HCT356 HARRIS SEMICOND SECTOR B7E D Fils Number 1690 M302271 0017777 T B H A S High-Speed CMOS Logic 8-Input Multiplexer/Register, 3-State C D 54/74H C /H C T354 — Transparent Data & Select Latches

    OCR Scan
    CD54/74HC354, CD54/74HCT354 CD54/74HC356, CD54/74HCT356 M302271 54/74H 54/74HC S4/74HCT 74hct354 PDF

    THERMISTORS nsp 037

    Abstract: Thyristor TAG 9118 ICA 0726 0148 Transformer a1273 y k transistor AM97C11CN transistor SK A1104 PM7A2Q B8708 bzy79 yh 5032
    Text: INDEX OF COMPONENTS A Section/Page No. A.C. Adaptor. Adaptor Kits BNC e tc . Adhesive Tapes. Adhesives, Various. Aerosols.

    OCR Scan
    200X300X360m THERMISTORS nsp 037 Thyristor TAG 9118 ICA 0726 0148 Transformer a1273 y k transistor AM97C11CN transistor SK A1104 PM7A2Q B8708 bzy79 yh 5032 PDF


    Abstract: H12-200 MC1554 teledyne philbrick sl 1489a HA-2000 HA-2000A HA-2050A ram 2111 signetics HA-2060A
    Text: HARRIS OPERATIONAL AMPLIFIERS Selection Guide for Military Applications -5 5 °C to +125°C PARAM ETER* F.E.T. PREAMP HA-2000 HA-2000A HA-205O HA-909 S/H ?r a m HA-2060A HA-2400 HA-2420 HA-2050A HA-2060 HA-2500 HA-2502 HA-2510 HA-2512 UNITS INPUT C H A R A C TE R IST IC S

    OCR Scan
    HA-909 HA-205O HA-2050A HA-2060 HA-2060A HA-2500 HA-2502 HA-2510 HA-2512 HA-2000 HA-2650 H12-200 MC1554 teledyne philbrick sl 1489a HA-2000A ram 2111 signetics HA-2060A PDF