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    Abstract: LS125 16CIF truth table NOT gate 74 ls126 HC 125A
    Text: LS125/125A - QUAD 3-STATE BUFFER LOW ENABLE LS126/126A - QUAD 3-STATE BUFFER (HIGH ENABLE) DESCRIPTION The T54LS/T74LS125/125A/126/126A are high speed QUAD 3-STATE BUFFERS WITH ACTIVE HIGH ENABLES fabricated in LOW POWER SCHOTTKY tecnology. B1 Plastic Package

    OCR Scan
    LS125/125A LS126/126A T54LS/T74LS125/125A/126/126A T54LSXXXX T74LSXXXX LS126/126A IR2E16 LS125 16CIF truth table NOT gate 74 ls126 HC 125A PDF


    Abstract: LS258
    Text: a s QUAD 2-INPUT MULTIPLEXER WITH 3-STATE OUTPUTS DESCRIPTION The LSTTL/MSI T54LS258/258A, T74LS258/258A s a Quad 2-Input Multiplexer with 3-state outputs. Four bits of data from two sources can be selec­ ted using a Common Data Select input. The four outputs present the selected data in the comple­

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    T54LS258/258A, T74LS258/258A T54LSXXXe pc014 LS258 PDF

    TDA0161 equivalent

    Abstract: 1N3393 BDX54F equivalent byt301000 bux transient voltage suppressor ST90R9 ua776mh sgs 2n3055 Transistor morocco mje13007 inmos transputer reference manual

    OCR Scan


    Abstract: LS645 LS640 LS641
    Text: s G S-THOMSOn D7E D I Lüw P U W tK S U H U INTEGRATED CIRCUITS . _ 67C . 7^5^53? 001L3T? I ;T54LS640/641/645j I IKY D 16526 fl 7c- 5 ' 2 " 3 i PRELIMINARY DATA O CTAL BUS TRANSCEIVERS DESCRIPTION The T54LS/T74LS640/641/645 are octal bus tran­

    OCR Scan
    7t5ts37 t-52-zi IT74LS640/64Ã T54LS/T74LS640/641/645 LS640 LS641 LS645 T74LS PDF


    Abstract: T74LSXXX PIN 74LS147
    Text: SGS M i PRELIMINARY DATA IO-LINE-TO-4-LINE AND 8-LINE-TO-3-LINE PRIORITY ENCODERS 16 DESCRIPTION 16 T \ [ 1 i 1 These priority Encoders decode the inputs to en­ sure that only the highest order data line is enco­ ded. All inputs and outputs data of both devices

    OCR Scan
    LS147 LS148 T54/74LS148) T74LSXXX PIN 74LS147 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: S G S-THONS ON D7E D I 7 ^ 2 3 7 DDlblOQ 3 I LOW POWER SCHOTTKY INTEGRATED CIRCUITS 6 T C - 1 6 2 2 9 . T -6 6 -2 1 -5 5 DUAL 1-OF-4 DECODER/DEMULTIPLEXER DESC RIPTIO N The TTL/MSI T54LS155/T74LS155 and T54LS156/ T74LS156 are high speed Dual 1-of-4 Decoder/De­

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    T54LS155/T74LS155 T54LS156/ T74LS156 T74LS155 PDF


    Abstract: El 3021
    Text: s G S-THOMSON 07E D | 7e]a 1-237 DDlbD?^ S | LOW POWER SCHOTTKY INTEGRATED CIRCUITS i^ l4 L S 1 4 7 /t4 8 T74LS147/148 T-66-21-57 67C 16 208 PRELIMINARY DATA 10-LINË-TO-4-L1NE AND 8-LINE-TO-3-LINE PRIORITY ENCODERS DESCRIPTIO N These priority Encoders decode the inputs to en­

    OCR Scan
    T74LS147/148 T-66-21-57 10-LIN LS147 LS148 El 3021 PDF

    TOP 244 gn

    Abstract: T74LS240 S16C
    Text: S G S-THOfISON D7E D | 7 ^ 2 3 ? DDlbÈGS b | ."'.1 LOW POWER SCHOTTKY INTEGRATED & riY T 5 4 L $ 2 4 0 /2 4 1 /2 4 4 ; p n V;T74LS240/241/244| U l K O t. U I I O _ 67C 1 6 3 3 4 , . D I . , . T - 52.-&7_ OCTAL BUFFER/LINE DRIVERS W ITH 3-STA TE OUTPUTS

    OCR Scan
    T74LS240/241/244| 54LS/T74LS240/241/244 TOP 244 gn T74LS240 S16C PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: S G S-THOnSON D7E D | 7 ^ 2 3 7 if* 00lb3bû 1 | 1 LOW POWER SCHOTTKY I a INTEGRATED CIRCUITS 67C 15497 D T-66-21-51 QUAD 2-PORT REGISTER DESCRIPTION The T54LS/T74LS398/399 are Quad 2-Port Regi­ sters. They are the logical equivalent of a quad 2-input multiplexer followed by a 4-bit edgetriggered register. Selection between two 4-bit in­

    OCR Scan
    00lb3bû T-66-21-51 T54LS/T74LS398/399 T54LS/T74LS398 T54LS/T74LS399 T54LSXXX T74LSXXX Q01t PDF


    Abstract: demultiplexer truth table LS156 T74LS156 74 ls 155 demultiplexer
    Text: in i ss DUAL 1-0F-4 DECODER/DEMULTIPLEXER DESCRIPTION The TTL/MSI T54LS155/T74LS155 and T54LS156/ T74LS156 are high speed Dual 1-of-4 Decoder/De­ multiplexers. These devices have two decoders with common 2-bit Address inputs and separate ga­ ted Enable inputs. Decoder “ a” has an Enable gate

    OCR Scan
    T54LS155/T74LS155 T54LS156/ T74LS156 LS156 LS155 demultiplexer truth table 74 ls 155 demultiplexer PDF


    Abstract: LS147 LS148 74LS147
    Text: » PRELIMINARY DATA 10-LINE-T0-4-LINE AND 8-LINE-TO-3-LINE PRIORITY ENCODERS 16 T Y V 1 16 n /y \ I DESCRIPTION 1 These priority Encoders decode the inputs to en­ sure that only the highest order data line is enco­ ded. All inputs and outputs data of both devices

    OCR Scan
    10-LINE-TO-4-LINE LS147 LS148 T54/74LS148) 47ls148 74LS147 PDF


    Abstract: ls290 binary to BCD 8421 LS293-4-BIT LS90 LS93 3 bit ripple counter T74LS293
    Text: ses LS290-DECADE COUNTER LS293-4-BIT BINARY COUNTER DESCRIPTION T 5 4 L S /T 7 4 L S 2 9 0 and T 5 4 L S /T 7 4 L S 2 9 3 are - gn-speed 4-bit ripple type counters partitioned in•: rwo sections. E ach counter has a divide-by-two section and either a divide-by-five L S 2 90 or

    OCR Scan
    LS290-DECADE LS293-4-BIT T54LS/T74LS290 T54LS/T74LS293 LS290) LS293) Vodulo-16 T54LSXXX T74LSXXX ls293 ls290 binary to BCD 8421 LS90 LS93 3 bit ripple counter T74LS293 PDF

    connecting diagram for ic 74 08

    Abstract: H2635
    Text: DUAL JK POSITIVE EDGE-TRIGGERED FLIP-FLOP DESCRIPTION The T54LS/T74LS109-109A consist of two high sjjeed completely independent transition clocked JK flip-flops. The clocking operation is independent of rise and fall times of the clock waveform. The JK design allows operatioji as a D flip-flop by simply

    OCR Scan
    T54LS/T74LS109-109A T54LSXXX T74LSXXX connecting diagram for ic 74 08 H2635 PDF


    Abstract: rl66 C6017 LS366 LS366A LS367A
    Text: 3-STATE HEX BUFFERS DESCRIPTION These devices are high-speed Hex Buffers with 3-state outputs. They are organized as single 6-bit or 2-bit/4-bit, with inverting or non-inverting data D paths. The outputs are designed to drive 15 TTL Unit Loads or_60 Low Power Schottky loads when

    OCR Scan


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: ss DUAL JK NEGATIVE EDGE-TRIGGERED FLIP-FLOP $0^ DESCRIPTION The T54LS/T74LS113/113A offers individual J, K, set and clock inputs. These monolithic dual flipflops are designed so that when the clock goes HIGH, the inputs are enabled and data will be ac­ cepted. The logic level of the J and K may be allo­

    OCR Scan
    T54LS/T74LS113/113A T54LSXXX T74SLXXX T74LSXXX T74LSUnits PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: W M s LS190 - PRESETTABLE BCD/DECADE UP/DOWN COUNTERS LS191 - PRESETTABLE 4-BIT BINARY UP/DOWN COUNTERS 1 1 DESCRIPTION The T 54L S 190/T74LS 190 is a synchronous UP/DO W N BCD Decade 8421 Counter and the T54LS191/T74LS191 is a synchronous UP/DOW N Modulo-16 Binary Counter. State changes of the

    OCR Scan
    LS190 LS191 190/T74LS T54LS191/T74LS191 Modulo-16 T54LS190/191 T74LS190/191 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: s G S-THONSON 07E D | 7 ^ 2 3 7 D01b24S LOW POWER SCHOTTKY INTEGRATED CIRCUITS - 67 C 16374 D T-66-21-51 QUAD 2-INPUT MULTIPLEXER WITH 3-STATE OUTPUTS DESCRIPTION ; The LSTTL/M SIT54LS258/258A , T74LS258/258A Is a Quad 2-Input Multiplexer with 3-state outputs.

    OCR Scan
    D01b24S T-66-21-51 SIT54LS258/258A T74LS258/258A PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: S G S-THOrïSON D7E D g 7 1 2 T 2 3 7 LOW POWER SCHOTTKY INTEGRATED CIRCUITS _ 67C 1 55 12 T-5 Z-07 OCTAL BUFFER/LINË DRIVERS WITH 3-STATE OUTPUTS DESCRIPTIO N The T54LS/T74LS540/541 are Octal Buffers and Line Drivers. Although they have the same func­

    OCR Scan
    T54LS/T74LS540/541 LS240 LS241, T74LSXXX T54LSXXX JT54LS PDF


    Abstract: ls125
    Text: a s LS125/125A - QUAD 3-STATE BUFFER LOW ENABLE LS126/126A - QUAD 3-STATE BUFFER (HIGH ENABLE) DESCRIPTION B1 Plastic Package The T54LS/T74LS125/125A/126/126A are high speed QUAD 3-STATE BUFFERS WITH ACTIVE HIGH ENABLES fabricated in LOW POWER SCHOTTKY tecnology.

    OCR Scan
    LS125/125A LS126/126A T54LS/T74LS125/125A/126/126A T54LSXXXX T74LSXXXX LS125/125A LS126/126A LS126 ls125 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: S G S-THOMSON 07E D I 7 ^ 2 3 7 T54LS257/257A 1 T74LS257/257A OOlbEBö □ I LOW POWER SCHOTTKY 67C L5357 INTEGRATED CIRCUITS T-66-21-51 QUAD 2-IN P U T MULTIPLEXER W ITH 3-STA TE OUTPUTS DESCRIPTIO N The LSTTL/MSI T54LS257/257A, T74LS257/257A is a Quad 2-Input Multiplexer with 3-state outputs.

    OCR Scan
    T54LS257/257A T74LS257/257A L5357 T-66-21-51 T54LS257/257A, T74LS257/257A L5357 PDF


    Abstract: 1t4a T54LS/T74LS114/114A
    Text: S G K ? C m Î i S-THOnSON $ 1 ÎM 07E M D | 7^5^53? 0 UJi hü 31 4 | LOW POWER SCHOTTKY INTEGRATED CIRCUITS i l Ì T 7 4 L S t1 4 |M 67C 1 6 1 6 7 DUAL JK NEGATIVE EDGE-TRIGGERED FLIP-FLOP DESCRIPTION The T54LS/T74LS114/114A offer common clock and common clear inputs and individual J, K, and

    OCR Scan
    T54LS/T74LS114/114A t114a 1t4a PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: PRELIMINARY DATA OCTAL BUFFER/LINE DRIVERS WITH 3-STATE OUTPUTS DESCRIPTION The T54LS/T74LS540/541 are Octal Buffers and Line Drivers. Although they have the same func­ tions as LS240 and LS241, they offer a pinout with inputs and outputs on apposite sides of the pac­

    OCR Scan
    T54LS/T74LS540/541 LS240 LS241, T54LSXXX T74LSXXX LS540 LS541 LS540 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 4-STAGE PRESETTABLE RIPPLE COUNTERS DESCRIPTION The T54LS196/T74LS196 decade counter is par­ titioned into divide-by-two and divide-by-five sec­ tion which can be combined to count either in BCD 8 ,4,2 , 1 sequence or in a bi-quinary mode produ­ cing a 50% duty cycle output. The T54LS197/

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    T54LS196/T74LS196 T54LS197/ T74LS197 modulo-16 PDF


    Abstract: LS90 T74LS90 LS92 T74LSXX bcd counter 7490 bcd counter 74 90
    Text: $90/ 92/93 890/92/93 LS90 DECADE COUNTER LS92 DIVIDE-BY-TWELVE COUNTER LS93 4-BIT BINARY COUNTER DESCRIPTION 1 T h e T 5 4 L S 9 0 /T 7 4 L S 9 0 , T 5 4 L S 9 2 /T 7 4 L S 9 2 and T 5 4 L S 9 3 /T 7 4 L S 9 3 are high-speed 4-bit ripple ty­ pe counters partitioned into two sections. Each

    OCR Scan
    T54LS90/T74LS90, T54LS92/T74LS92 T54LS93/T74LS93 modulo-12, modulo-16 LS93 LS90 T74LS90 LS92 T74LSXX bcd counter 7490 bcd counter 74 90 PDF