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    WIMA MKS 3 0.68 Search Results

    WIMA MKS 3 0.68 Datasheets Context Search

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    WIMA mks 0,01 100- 125

    Abstract: WIMA MKS 3 wima mks4 wima mks 3 0.68 MKS4 WIMA 0.1 63 capacitor wima mks 04 WIMA mks MKS4 WIMA WIMA mkt 4
    Text: High capacitances in small box sizes Mit den Werten WIMA MKS 02/1,0 mF im Subminiatur-Rastermaß 2,5 mm und WIMA MKS 2/10 mF im Rastermaß 5 mm mit Abmessungen von 5,5 x 10 x 4,6 bzw. 8,5 x 14 x 7,2 B x H x L in mm setzt WIMA neue Maßstäbe in der Miniaturisierung bedrahteter

    mF/63 WIMA mks 0,01 100- 125 WIMA MKS 3 wima mks4 wima mks 3 0.68 MKS4 WIMA 0.1 63 capacitor wima mks 04 WIMA mks MKS4 WIMA WIMA mkt 4 PDF

    WIMA MKS 3

    Abstract: wima MKS 22 SMD marking CODE 2U WIMA mks WIMA MKS4 capacitor wima mks 4 0.1UF 630 V "wima capacitors" capacitor wima mks 4 0.1uF 630 VDC wima 220 1000 MKS4
    Text: WIMA MKS 2 Metallisierte Polyester-Kondensatoren im Rastermaß 5 mm Metallized polyester capacitors in PCM 5 mm ˜ Für alle Standard-Anwendungen im RM 5 mm. ˜ Speicherkondensator ohne Lebensdauerbegrenzung selbst bei hohen Temperaturen. ˜ Kapazitätsspektrum bis 10 mF und Spannungsreihen bis 400 V-.


    WIMA MKS 3

    Abstract: mks 3 capacitor WIMA MKS 33 capacitor wima mks 04 wima mks 3 0.68 MKT wima WIMA mkt 4 WIMA MKS 10 mks 4 capacitor MKS WIMA
    Text: Hohe Kapazitäten in kleinen Bauformen High capacitances in small box sizes Mit den Werten WIMA MKS 02/1,0 mF im Subminiatur-Rastermaß 2,5 mm und WIMA MKS 2/10 mF im Rastermaß 5 mm mit Abmessungen von 5,5 x 10 x 4,6 bzw. 8,5 x 14 x 7,2 B x H x L in mm

    mF/63 wie00-30/31 WIMA MKS 3 mks 3 capacitor WIMA MKS 33 capacitor wima mks 04 wima mks 3 0.68 MKT wima WIMA mkt 4 WIMA MKS 10 mks 4 capacitor MKS WIMA PDF

    WIMA mks 0,01 100- 125

    Abstract: MKS4 wima WIMA fks blau SMD p05 WIMA MKS 3
    Text: WIMA FKS 2 Impulsfeste Polyester-Film/FolienKondensatoren im Rastermaß 5 mm Polyester film and foil capacitors for pulse applications in PCM 5 mm ˜ Stütz- und Entkopplungskondensatoren für schnelle Digitalschaltungen. ˜ Induktions- und dämpfungsarm mit hoher Resonanzfrequenz. ˜ Niedriger ESR. ˜ Hohe Impulsbelastbarkeit.


    WIMA MKS 3

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: WIMA MKP 4 Metallisierte Polypropylen-Kondensatoren für erhöhte Anforderungen Metallized polypropylene capacitors for stringent requirements ˜ Niedrigster Verlustfaktor. ˜ Konstant negativer TKc. ˜ Niedrige dielektrische Absorption: geeignet für „sample-and-hold“-Schaltungen. ˜ Für Anwendungen im Bereich hoher Frequenzen. ˜ Hohe Kapazitätswerte z.B. für Lautsprecherweichen. ˜ Gegurtet


    wima MKS 22

    Abstract: WIMA FKS SMD4036 WIMA MKS 3 MKT wima 2220 smd Wima Folienkondensatoren capacitor MKP box wima smd 6560 0.068 MF CAPACITOR MKT
    Text: High capacitances in small box sizes Mit den Werten WIMA MKS 02/1,0 mF im Subminiatur-Rastermaß 2,5 mm und WIMA MKS 2/10 mF im Rastermaß 5 mm mit Abmessungen von 5,5 x 10 x 4,6 bzw. 8,5 x 14 x 7,2 B x H x L in mm setzt WIMA neue Maßstäbe in der Miniaturisierung bedrahteter

    mF/63 wima MKS 22 WIMA FKS SMD4036 WIMA MKS 3 MKT wima 2220 smd Wima Folienkondensatoren capacitor MKP box wima smd 6560 0.068 MF CAPACITOR MKT PDF


    Abstract: MKS4O141006G MKS4O111002B MKS4D041002F MKS4C044704D MKS4B061007F MKS4C054706G MKS4C034703C MKS4B046802G MKS4G023302C
    Text: D WIMA MKS 4 Metallized Polyester PET Capacitors PCM 7.5 mm to 37.5 mm Special Features Electrical Data ˜ High volume/capacitance ratio ˜ Self-healing ˜ According to RoHS 2011/65/EC Typical Applications For general DC-applications e.g. ˜ By-pass ˜ Blocking

    2011/65/EC E12-values 340x340 490x370 MKS4D062207K MKS4O141006G MKS4O111002B MKS4D041002F MKS4C044704D MKS4B061007F MKS4C054706G MKS4C034703C MKS4B046802G MKS4G023302C PDF


    Abstract: WIMA MKm 4 MKS4C051006B MKS4B032202A P0518 MKS4C031002A mks4 MKS4O122204B MKS4D034702D MKS4J036805I
    Text: D WIMA MKS 4 Metallized Polyester PET Capacitors PCM 7.5 mm to 37.5 mm Special Features Electrical Data ˜ High volume/capacitance ratio ˜ Self-healing ˜ According to RoHS 2011/65/EC Typical Applications For general DC-applications e.g. ˜ By-pass ˜ Blocking

    2011/65/EC E12-values 94x49x182 94x77x182 340x340 490x370 MKS4G031003F WIMA MKm 4 MKS4C051006B MKS4B032202A P0518 MKS4C031002A mks4 MKS4O122204B MKS4D034702D MKS4J036805I PDF

    WIMA MKS 3

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: D WIMA MKS 4 Metallized Polyester PET Capacitors PCM 7.5 mm to 37.5 mm Special Features Electrical Data ˜ High volume/capacitance ratio ˜ Self-healing ˜ According to RoHS 2011/65/EU Typical Applications For general DC-applications e.g. ˜ By-pass ˜ Blocking

    2011/65/EU E12-values WIMA MKS 3 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: D WIMA MKS 4 Metallized Polyester PET Capacitors PCM 7.5 mm to 37.5 mm Special Features Electrical Data ˜ High volume/capacitance ratio ˜ Self-healing ˜ According to RoHS 2011/65/EU Typical Applications For general DC-applications e.g. ˜ By-pass ˜ Blocking

    2011/65/EU E12-values PDF

    MKT wima

    Abstract: wima mks 3 0.68 WIMA MKS 3 wima .33 MF CAPACITOR capacitor wima mks 04 wima 2.2 uF PET film Capacitor MKS 370 capacitor wima mks WIMA MKS 33
    Text: D WIMA MKS 4-LN Metallized Polyester PET Capacitors for Low Noise Applications PCM 22.5 mm and 27.5 mm Special Features ˜ High volume/capacitance ratio ˜ Self-healing ˜ Low noise emission due to special construction ˜ According to RoHS 2002/95/EC Typical Applications

    2002/95/EC mm/20 MKT wima wima mks 3 0.68 WIMA MKS 3 wima .33 MF CAPACITOR capacitor wima mks 04 wima 2.2 uF PET film Capacitor MKS 370 capacitor wima mks WIMA MKS 33 PDF

    WIMA mks 0,01 100- 125

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: WIMA MKP 4 Metallisierte Polypropylen-Kondensatoren für erhöhte Anforderungen Metallized polypropylene capacitors for stringent requirements ˜ Niedrigster Verlustfaktor. ˜ Konstant negativer TKc. ˜ Niedrige dielektrische Absorption: geeignet für „sample-and-hold“-Schaltungen. ˜ Für Anwendungen im Bereich hoher Frequenzen. ˜ Hohe Kapazitätswerte z.B. für Lautsprecherweichen. ˜ Gegurtet


    capacitor wima mks 4 0.1UF 630 V

    Abstract: SMD MARKING CODE p07 P07 SMD capacitor wima mks 4 0.1uF 630 VDC mks4 wima MKS-4 capacitor wima mks 04 SMD p05 capacitor 0.22 uF MKP X2 WIMA MKS 3
    Text: WIMA MKP 2 Metallisierte PolypropylenKondensatoren im Rastermaß 5 mm Metallized polypropylene capacitors im PCM 5 mm ˜ Für Anwendungen im Bereich hoher Frequenzen. ˜ Geeignet für „sample-and-hold“ Schaltungen. ˜ Konstant negativer TKc. ˜ Günstiger


    wima supercap r

    Abstract: WIMA Kondensatoren FKS2 WIMA MKS 33
    Text: D WIMA MKS 2 Metallized Polyester PET Capacitors in PCM 5 mm Special Features Electrical Data ˜ High volume/capacitance ratio ˜ Self-healing ˜ According to RoHS 2011/65/EC Typical Applications For general DC-applications e.g. ˜ By-pass ˜ Blocking ˜ Coupling and decoupling

    2011/65/EC E12-values 340x340 490x370 wima supercap r WIMA Kondensatoren FKS2 WIMA MKS 33 PDF


    Abstract: MKS4D041002F00 mks4 MKS4G033304F00 MKS4D041003F00 MKS4J024703G00 MKS4J032205B00 MKS4O136806F00 MKS4G042206B00 WIMA MKS 4
    Text: D WIMA MKS 4 Metallized Polyester PET Capacitors PCM 7.5 mm to 37.5 mm Special Features Electrical Data ˜ High volume/capacitance ratio ˜ Self-healing ˜ According to RoHS 2002/95/EC Typical Applications For general DC-applications e.g. ˜ By-pass ˜ Blocking

    2002/95/EC 340x340 490x370 MKS4F MKS4D041002F00 mks4 MKS4G033304F00 MKS4D041003F00 MKS4J024703G00 MKS4J032205B00 MKS4O136806F00 MKS4G042206B00 WIMA MKS 4 PDF

    8 pin diagram 25032

    Abstract: MKS4O141006G
    Text: D WIMA MKS 4 Metallized Polyester PET Capacitors PCM 7.5 mm to 37.5 mm Special Features Electrical Data ˜ High volume/capacitance ratio ˜ Self-healing ˜ According to RoHS 2002/95/EC Typical Applications For general DC-applications e.g. ˜ By-pass ˜ Blocking

    2002/95/EC E12-values 340x340 490x370 8 pin diagram 25032 MKS4O141006G PDF


    Abstract: MKS2B043301H00 MKS2C041001F00 MKS2C023301A00 MKS2C034701C00 MKS2C042201K00 MKS2C MKS2D021501A00 MKS2B041001C00 MKS2F021501A00
    Text: D WIMA MKS 2 Metallized Polyester PET Capacitors in PCM 5 mm Special Features Electrical Data ˜ High volume/capacitance ratio ˜ Self-healing ˜ According to RoHS 2002/95/EC Typical Applications For general DC-applications e.g. ˜ By-pass ˜ Blocking ˜ Coupling and decoupling

    2002/95/EC E12-values 340x340 490x370 MKS2C031001A00 MKS2B043301H00 MKS2C041001F00 MKS2C023301A00 MKS2C034701C00 MKS2C042201K00 MKS2C MKS2D021501A00 MKS2B041001C00 MKS2F021501A00 PDF

    smd code W06

    Abstract: SMD w06 p1038 P0518 MKS0C0247
    Text: D WIMA MKS 02 Metallized Polyester PET Capacitors in PCM 2.5 mm Special Features Electrical Data ˜ High volume/capacitance ratio and reduced base ˜ PCM 2.5 mm ˜ Self-healing ˜ According to RoHS 2011/65/EC Typical Applications For general DC-applications e.g.

    2011/65/EC E12-values 100VDC 94x49x182 94x77x182 340x340 490x370 smd code W06 SMD w06 p1038 P0518 MKS0C0247 PDF

    CAPACITOR 5D 680 4J

    Abstract: MKS2C MKS2C044701M00 U100 MKS2C034701C00 wima 0,47 630 10 MKS2C043301K00 MKS2B043301H00 wima 5D wima mks-4
    Text: D WIMA MKS 2 Metallized Polyester PET Capacitors in PCM 5 mm Special Features Electrical Data ˜ High volume/capacitance ratio ˜ Self-healing ˜ According to RoHS 2002/95/EC Typical Applications For general DC-applications e.g. ˜ By-pass ˜ Blocking ˜ Coupling and decoupling

    2002/95/EC E12-values 340x340 490x370 CAPACITOR 5D 680 4J MKS2C MKS2C044701M00 U100 MKS2C034701C00 wima 0,47 630 10 MKS2C043301K00 MKS2B043301H00 wima 5D wima mks-4 PDF

    WIMA mks

    Abstract: WIMA MKS4
    Text: High capacitances in small box sizes Mit den Werten WIMA MKS 02/1,0 mF im Subminiatur-Rastermaß 2,5 mm und WIMA MKS 2/10 mF im Rastermaß 5 mm mit Abmessungen von 5,5 x 10 x 4,6 bzw. 8,5 x 14 x 7,2 B x H x L in mm setzt WIMA neue Maßstäbe in der Miniaturisierung bedrahteter

    mF/63 WIMA mks WIMA MKS4 PDF

    8 pin diagram 25032

    Abstract: MKS4D041002F00 MKS4F MKS4J023303F00 MKS4F041004F00 MKS4C041002E00 MKS4J033305D00 mks4c042204c00 MKS4G032204C00 MKS4F032202E00
    Text: D WIMA MKS 4 Metallized Polyester PET Capacitors PCM 7.5 mm to 37.5 mm Special Features Electrical Data ˜ High volume/capacitance ratio ˜ Self-healing ˜ According to RoHS 2002/95/EC Typical Applications For general DC-applications e.g. ˜ By-pass ˜ Blocking

    2002/95/EC E12-values 340x340 490x370 8 pin diagram 25032 MKS4D041002F00 MKS4F MKS4J023303F00 MKS4F041004F00 MKS4C041002E00 MKS4J033305D00 mks4c042204c00 MKS4G032204C00 MKS4F032202E00 PDF

    WIMA MKS 3

    Abstract: 8X103 A/2Y0A21 F 73
    Text: WIMA MKS 3 PCM - IZ 51H Metallized polyester capacitors in PCM 7.5 mm • 1 0 0 0 pF to 2.2 pF PCM 7.5 mm. ■ For general applications. ■ Alternative to PCM 5 mm with possibility to be placed across w iring path. ■ Available taped and reeled. Technical Data

    OCR Scan
    tta41 WIMA MKS 3 8X103 A/2Y0A21 F 73 PDF

    WIMA MKS 3

    Abstract: WIMA MKS-3 WIMA MKS-3 0,22 ul 3842 WIMA MKS-3 100
    Text: fi - o s - il -OS WIMA MKS 3 PCM M etallized polyester capacitors in P C M 7.5 mm • 0.01 |iF to 2.2 |j F P C M 7.5 mm. ■ For general applications. ■ Alternative to P C M 5 mm with possibility to be placed across wiring path. ■ A vailable taped and reeled.

    OCR Scan
    X104MQ M027C WIMA MKS 3 WIMA MKS-3 WIMA MKS-3 0,22 ul 3842 WIMA MKS-3 100 PDF

    WIMA MKS 3

    Abstract: WIMA MKS-3 0,22 WIMA MKS-3 mks 3 polyethylene
    Text: WIMA MKS 3 Metallized polyester capacitors n PCM 7.5 mm • 1000 pF to 2.2 |j F in PCM 7.5 mm. ■ For general applications, Alternative to PCM 5 mm with possibility to be placed across wiring path. ■ Available taped and reeled. Technical Data D is s ip a tio n fa c to rs at +20° C: tan delta

    OCR Scan