Abstract: No abstract text available
Text: GENNUn CORP HflE » GENNUM C O R P O R A T I O N 3T3S763 DDD1116 T2b • LTIC Class A Amplifier with 2 DC Coupled Gain Blocks & Schottky Diodes GK5G9 PRELIMINARY DATA SHEET 7~Z. FEATURES DESCRIPTION • 100 nA typical current drain The GK509 is a Class A amplifier utilizing Gennum’s
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Abstract: No abstract text available
Text: Class A Amplifier with 2 Independent Gain Blocks G E IM IM U M C O R P O R A T I O N GP509 DATA SHEET 60S FEATURES DESCRIPTION • low amplifier current typical 105 |iA Th e G P 5 0 9 is a C la s s A a m p lifie r u tiliz in g G e n n u m ’s p ro p rie ta ry
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Abstract: No abstract text available
Text: GENNUM C O R P O R A T I Low Current, Peak Limiting Class A Amplifier O N 505 LT5G5 DATA SHEET FEATURES DESCRIPTION • amplifier current typically 53 |^A The LT505 is a low current, low voltage m onolithic integrated • transducer current typically 210 |uA
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ALPHA RMA-390 flux
Abstract: ALPHA RMA-390 dh3 RMA-390 R-229-25
Text: GENNUM C O R P O R A T I Telecoil Preamplifier O N GC562 - DATA SHEET FEATURES D E S C R IP T IO N • direct coupled telecoil preamplifier T h e G C 5 6 2 w a s d e s ig n e d to a llo w d ire c t c o u p lin g o f the te le c o il on to th e p re a m p lifie r w ith o u t the ne ed o f a c a p a c ito r.
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ALPHA RMA-390 flux
ALPHA RMA-390 dh3
ALPHA RMA-390 flux
Abstract: 40 khz ultrasonic transducer
Text: GENNUM C O R P O R A T I Low Parts Compression Amplifier O N G B512/LD 51 2 DATA SHEET FEATURES DESCRIPTION • 44 dB typical pream plifier gain The G B 5 1 2 and LD 512 are 8 pin stan d-alone in pu t com p ressio n • 14 dB typical output stage gain vo lta g e re g u la to r fo r the e le ctre t m ic ro p h o n e p ro v id in g a high
OCR Scan
ALPHA RMA-390 flux
40 khz ultrasonic transducer
Abstract: No abstract text available
Text: >GENNUM C O R P O R A T I O GC2920 WIDEBAND LIMITING IF AMPLIFIER N PRELIMINARY DATA SHEET FEATURES Small 5 mm SOIC, 8 pin plastic package. High gain 47 dB typical, inverting amplifier. Wide 270 MHz bandwidth, usable 0.1 to 600 MHz. Built-in limiter with 70 dB of limiting range.
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Abstract: No abstract text available
Text: GENNUM C O R P O R A T I Class A Compression Amplifier O IM 511 LD511 DATASHEET FEATURES DESCRIPTION • 64 dB typical electrical gain T h e LD 511 is a C la s s A c o m p re s s io n a m p lifie r w h ic h ca n o p e ra te o v e r a ra n g e o f DC b a tte ry v o lta g e s fro m
OCR Scan
ALPHA RMA-390 dh3
Abstract: vision & IIT & 1992
Text: I BEISIIMUM |l oiM c o r p o r a t i Adaptive Highpass Filter w ¡th Independent Gain Block GR581 DATASHEET FEATURES DESCRIPTION • The GR581 unity gain 12 dB/oct. highpass Butterworth filter is a le ve l-se n sitive , a d a p tiv e h ig h p a s s filte r
OCR Scan
ALPHA RMA-390 dh3
vision & IIT & 1992
Abstract: No abstract text available
Text: GENNUM c or p o r a t i Medium Power Class B Amplifier on 550 LC55Ü DATA SHEET FEATURES DESCRIPTION • 23 dB class A preamp & 40 dB class B output stage The LC 550 is a low v o lta g e linear m o n o lith ic in te g ra te d c irc u it a m plifier. It Is co m p ris e d of tw o s ep arate a m p lifie rs
OCR Scan
Abstract: No abstract text available
Text: I GENNUM C O R P O R A T I 3^3S 7fl3 □□□MQbM 334 • M u ltm m r GF9101 High Performance Multirate Digital Filter O N DATA SHEET FEATURES DESCRIPTION • highly optimized & flexible architecture for multirate FIR filtering applications The GF9101 is a hig h p e rfo rm a n ce m u ltirate d ig ita l filte r
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irc resistors type MPO
Abstract: kester Re SOLDER PASTE circuit for hearing aid devices ic for hearing aid
Text: G E N IM U M Low Current Preamplifier w jt h Qutput Limiting c o r p o r a t i o n GK504 - DATA SHEET FEATURES DESCRIPTION • designed to drive Class D integrated receivers T he G K 50 4 is G e n n u m 's p ro p rie ta ry lo w cu rre n t p re a m p lifie r
OCR Scan
irc resistors type MPO
circuit for hearing aid devices
ic for hearing aid
Abstract: No abstract text available
Text: G EIM IM U M c o r p c h a t C la s s A A m p lif ie r w i t h g In d e p e n d e n t G a in B lo c k s . oi m 508 LP508 DATA SHEET FEATURES DESCRIPTION • 1 |xV input referred noise The LP508 is an 8 pin Class A am plifier utilizing Gennum 's proprietary low voltage bipolar JFET technology. It consists of
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Abstract: No abstract text available
Text: GENNUM C O R P O R A T I ON Low Distortion AGC Compression Amplifier 502 LD502 DATA SHEET FEATURES DESCRIPTION • adjustable gain from 0 to 60 dB The LD502 is a com pression AGC pream plifier that consists • 0.94 V DC voltage regulator on-chip of a single ended input inverting am plifier, with an internal
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Abstract: No abstract text available
Text: B E IM IM U M C O R P O R A T I Class A Amplifier with 3 Independent Gain Blocks O N 509 GC509 DATA SHEET FEATURES DESCRIPTION • 145 lA typical current drain The GC509 is a Class A am p lifie r utilizing G ennum ’s proprietary low vo lta g e • low noise and distortion
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