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    AA35B05 Search Results

    AA35B05 Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: sda 5241 a5006 sda 5231-2 sync STT 3 SIEMENS
    Text: SIE D • fl53SbG5 DD441S2 TT4 « S I E G S IE M E N S - c - - n ~ c > - t- i3 SIEMENS AKTIENGESELLSCHAF SD A 5231-2 Data Slicer for Teletext Bipolar IC Preliminary Data Features • Crystal-stable data clock regeneration for a bit rate of 6.9375 MHz • Separation and regeneration of teletext infor­

    OCR Scan
    fl53SbG5 DD441S2 P-DIP-28 67000-A5006 T-77-07-13 E35bOS T--77--07--13 SDA5241 sda 5241 a5006 sda 5231-2 sync STT 3 SIEMENS PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SIEMENS BTS 630 PWM Power Unit The device allows continuous power control for lamps,LEDs or inductive loads. • Highside switch • Overtemperatur protection • Short circuit / overload protection through pulse widt reduction and overload shutdown • Load dump protection

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    T0220/7 E3128 l23SbDS PDF

    2f5 transistor

    Abstract: Transistor BFT 99 TIC 122 Transistor 2SC 2090 Transistor BFT 44 U/25/20/TN26/15/850/BFT75
    Text: a s c ì> • a23SbOS 0004?13 S » S I E G T - ti- n BFT 75 NPN Silicon RF Broadband Transistor - SIEMENS AKTIEN6ESELLSCHAF - BFT 75 is an epitaxial NPN silicon planar transistor in TO 23 6 plastic package 23 A 3 DIN 41869 , intended fo r use in low-noise input and intermediate stages in RF

    OCR Scan
    a23SbOS 2f5 transistor Transistor BFT 99 TIC 122 Transistor 2SC 2090 Transistor BFT 44 U/25/20/TN26/15/850/BFT75 PDF


    Abstract: function of lts 543 ic OB35 ltp250 T1605 vogt 543 VOGT B1 65495
    Text: PEB 2084 Revision History: Current Version: Data Sheet 07.95 Previous R eleases: Preliminary Technical Manual 2 .9 4 Subjects major changes since last revision P age P age (in previous (in current Version) Version) 11 8 Figure 1, ID O = Output and Input

    OCR Scan
    fl23SbOS PE-68975* PE-64995 PE-65495 PE-65795 PE-68995 B78384-A1060-A2* B78384-P1111-A2 T60403-L4025-X021* T60403-L4097-X011* T60403-L4021 function of lts 543 ic OB35 ltp250 T1605 vogt 543 VOGT B1 65495 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SIEMENS BAT 62-03W Silicon Schottky Diode • Low Barrier diode for detectors up to GHz frequencies ESD: Electrostatic Discharge sensitive device, observe handling precautions! Type Marking BAT 62-03W L Ordering Code Pin Configuration Package Q62702-A1028

    OCR Scan
    2-03W Q62702-A1028 2-03W OD-323 S535b05 D1SD354 900MHz PDF


    Abstract: BFT 66 S1 Q62702-F456 nf5102 6NF20 BA 758 BFT67 Q62702-F457 QQQM710
    Text: asc » â23SbüS ÜGGM7Qâ 1 M S I E â BFT 66 BFT 67 Extremely Low Noise NPN Silicon Broadband Transistors r l_r SIEMENS AKTIENGESELLSCHAF BFT 6 6 and BFT 6 7 are epitaxial NPN silicon planar RF transistors in TO 7 2 case 1 8 A 4 DIN 4 1 8 7 6 ), intended for input stage applications in extremely low-noise broadband

    OCR Scan
    23SbQS Q62702-F456 Q62702-F457 BFT66, BFT67 103MHz fi535b05 DQ0H715 BFT66 BFT67 BFT 66 S1 Q62702-F456 nf5102 6NF20 BA 758 Q62702-F457 QQQM710 PDF

    ZO 607 MA 7A 523

    Abstract: cmo 765 transistor zo 607 MA 7S ZO 607 MA 7A 524 CM 1241 siemens Ka2 transistor BFQ 270 ZO 607 transistor BFQ82 Q62702-F1189
    Text: SIEMENS NPN Silicon RF Transistor B F Q 82 • For low-noise, high-gain amplifiers up to 2 GHz. • Linear broadband applications at collector currents up to 40 mA. • Hermetically sealed ceramic package. • /t = 8 GHz F = 1.1 dB at 800 MHz ESD : Electrostatic discharge sensitive device, observe handling precautions!

    OCR Scan
    BFQ82 BFQ82 Q62702-F1189 AH35b05 00b7Sn ZO 607 MA 7A 523 cmo 765 transistor zo 607 MA 7S ZO 607 MA 7A 524 CM 1241 siemens Ka2 transistor BFQ 270 ZO 607 transistor PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SIEMENS SIEGET 25 BFP 450 NPN Silicon RF Transistor • For medium power amplifiers • Compression point P.1dB = +19dB m at 1.8 GHz maximum available gain Gma = 14 dB at 1.8 GHz Noise figure F = 1.25 dB at 1.8 GHz • Transition frequency f j = 24 GHz • Gold metalization for high reliability

    OCR Scan
    Q62702-F1590 OT-343 2200b IS21I2 fl235bQS 0122QQ7 0235b05 PDF


    Abstract: transistor D 379 AF 379 Q62701-F72 5C p Germanium power CE013
    Text: 2SC D • ÖS3SbD5 0QQ4QÔS 5 « S I E G T - 3t~ O f PNP Germanium RF Transistor AF 379 - SIEMENS AKTIENßESELLSCHAF -for large sig n a l a p p lica tio n s u p to 9 0 0 M H z A F 3 7 9 is a PN P germanium planar RF transistor in 5 0 B 3 DIN 4 1 8 6 7 plastic package

    OCR Scan
    023SbD5 Q62701-F72 flBES500 voltage11 AF379 transistor D 379 AF 379 Q62701-F72 5C p Germanium power CE013 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SIEM ENS A udio R inging C odec Filter B asic Function A R C O FI-B A Version 1.1 1.3 PSB 2161 BICMOS Features • Applications in digital terminal equipment featuring voice functions • Digital signal processing performs all CODEC functions • Fully compatible to the ITU-T G. 712 and ETSI

    OCR Scan
    NET33) 16-bit 023Sb05 010271b P-DSO-28-1 fl235b05 D1DE717 PDF


    Abstract: BFT66
    Text: ZSC D • fl23SbüS ÜGGM7Qä 1 « S I E G Extremely Low Noise NPN Silicon Broadband Transistors , Kr n/. 8 D ~ T -it'/r BFT 66 BFT 67 SIEMENS AKTIENGESELLSCHAF BFT 66 and BFT 67 are epitaxial NPN silicon planar RF transistors in TO 7 2 case 18 A 4 DIN 4 1 8 7 6 , intended for input stage applications in extremely low-noise broadband

    OCR Scan
    fl23Sb aa35b05 0QQH715 ft66 BFT66 PDF


    Abstract: D1557 MARKING DIAGRAMS sob 214 intel schematics 150N150A intel 80386 SL MARKING CODE CKQ TI e7f01 J027 TDA 2035
    Text: SIEM ENS Multichannel Network Interface Controller for HDLC MUNICH32 PEB 20320 CMOS 1C Version 3.4 1.1 Features • Serial Interface - Up to 32 independent communication channels. - Serial multiplexed full duplex input/output for 2048-, 4096-, 1544- or 1536-Kbit/s PCM

    OCR Scan
    MUNICH32 1536-Kbit/s 24-channel 32-channel q1257 D1557 MARKING DIAGRAMS sob 214 intel schematics 150N150A intel 80386 SL MARKING CODE CKQ TI e7f01 J027 TDA 2035 PDF


    Abstract: b17 zener diode
    Text: SIEMENS HITFET BTS 141 Smart Lowside Power Switch Features Product Summary • Logic Level Input Drain source voltage ^DS 60 V • Input Protection ESD On-state resistance ^DS(on) 28 m£2 • Thermal Shutdown Current limit 25 A • Overload protection Nominal load current

    OCR Scan
    023SbDS 0s35 b17 zener diode PDF

    Transistor BFT 99

    Abstract: BFT75 Q62702-F513 siemens CIB BFt 66 Transistor BFT 44
    Text: asc D fi23SbOS QGG4713 S mSIZG ; • T -H 'H NPN Silicon RF Broadband Transistor BFT 75 - SIEMENS AKTIEN6ESELLSCHAF - BFT 75 is an epitaxial NPN silicon planar transistor in TO 236 plastic package 23 A 3 DIN 41869 , intended for use in low-noise input and intermediate stages in RF

    OCR Scan
    Q0G4713 Q62702-F513 051i0 Transistor BFT 99 BFT75 Q62702-F513 siemens CIB BFt 66 Transistor BFT 44 PDF