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    DigiKey XK-AUDIO-316-MC-AB Box 5 1
    • 1 $240.84
    • 10 $240.84
    • 100 $240.84
    • 1000 $240.84
    • 10000 $240.84
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    Symmetry Electronics XK-AUDIO-316-MC-AB 1 1
    • 1 $249
    • 10 $249
    • 100 $249
    • 1000 $249
    • 10000 $249
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    Dioo Microcircuits Co Ltd DIO3157EST6

    Analog Switch ICs >300MHz, Enhanced Low Voltage Single Pole Double Throw Analog Switch with Power-On and Power-Off Protection
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    Mouser Electronics DIO3157EST6
    • 1 $0.38
    • 10 $0.314
    • 100 $0.214
    • 1000 $0.12
    • 10000 $0.097
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    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 71M6545/71M6545H Metrology Processors GENERAL DESCRIPTION FEATURES The 71M6545/71M6545H metrology processors are based on 4th-generation metering architecture supporting the 71M6xxx series of isolated current sensing products that offer drastic reduction in component count, immunity to magnetic tampering,

    71M6545/71M6545H 71M6545/71M6545H 71M6xxx 22-bit 32-bit 8051compatible 62053/ANSI PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 71M6545/71M6545H Metrology Processors GENERAL DESCRIPTION FEATURES The 71M6545/71M6545H metrology processors are based on 4th-generation metering architecture supporting the 71M6xxx series of isolated current sensing products that offer drastic reduction in component count, immunity to magnetic tampering,

    71M6545/71M6545H 71M6545/71M6545H 71M6xxx 22-bit 32-bit 8051compatible 62053/ANSI PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 19-5378; Rev 1.0; 4/11 71M6545/71M6545H LE AVAILAB Metrology Processors DATA SHEET April 2011 GENERAL DESCRIPTION FEATURES The 71M6545/71M6545H metrology processors are based on Teridian’s 4th-generation metering architecture supporting the 71M6xxx series of isolated current sensing products that offer

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    nc10 samsung

    Abstract: NC10 Samsung 8MB SGRAM VMD63 samsung nc10
    Text: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 FOR SAMSUNG 8MB SGRAM R551 1 VCS#3 2 VMMCS#3 VCS#3 33/NA 0603 1 VCS#1 VCS#1 2 VMMCS#1 R161 10K/NA 0603B 1 1 1 +3V R164 10K/NA 0603B R165 10K/NA 0603B 2 2 R189 2 R160 10K 0603B FOR ETRONTECH 8MB SGRAM +3V 2 1 1 +3V 1 +3V VMD41 VMD47 0/NA 0603

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    Elco md10

    Abstract: TX38D85VC1CAA TX38d85 FW82443BX MD10 elco BH 7243 QE R611 GAD31 BAV99-SOT23 MITAC 660
    Text: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 REV 8 D E S C R I P T ION OF CHANGE ECR DATE A P P ROVAL R00 uPGA2 with GEYSERVILLE technology 9/14 '99 R01 1. Modify the CPU CORE voltage switching P.3 circuit. 2. Correcting BX Strapping Option circuit. P.4 10/20 '99 3. Correcting parallel port pull-high

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    Abstract: mitac 6120 1R2101
    Text: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 +3V 8 +3V +3V +3V R81 10K/NA 0603B 2 R138 10K/NA 0603B 2 R137 10K/NA 0603B 2 2 R101 10K 0603B 1 1 1 A 1 A VMD41 VMD47 VMD48 VMD49 VMA_8 2 1 SGRAM LAYOUT X:N/C, V:INSTALL total size 4MB Elite(Etronic)8MB R72 X V R239 X X R240 X X R241 X X R242

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    Abstract: nc10 samsung dio8 mitac NC10 NC15 p samsung nc10
    Text: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 FOR ETRONTECH 8MB SGRAM 9 9 9 9 VMMA8 VMMA9 VMMA10 VCS#3 0/NA 0/NA 0/NA 0/NA 0603 0603 0603 0603 R99 R110 R95 R89 VMA8 VMA9 VMA10 A T I P I N NAME VGA E T R O N ( 256K*32*2) S A M S U N G (256K*32*2) = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

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    Xbee series 2

    Abstract: BL4S200 BL5S220 Xbee Pro Series 2 Xbee Pro S2 circuit diagram of wifi wireless router RCM4300 schematic BL4S210 bl4s210-connect XBee
    Text: BL4S200 C-Programmable Single-Board Computer with Networking User’s Manual 019–0171 • 090615–C BL4S200 User’s Manual Part Number 019-0171 • 090615–C • Printed in U.S.A. 2008–2009 Digi International Inc. • All rights reserved. No part of the contents of this manual may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means

    BL4S200 BL4S200 com/documentation/schemat/090-0267 RCM4000 com/documentation/schemat/090-0227 RCM4300 com/documentation/schemat/090-0229 RCM5400W Xbee series 2 BL5S220 Xbee Pro Series 2 Xbee Pro S2 circuit diagram of wifi wireless router RCM4300 schematic BL4S210 bl4s210-connect XBee PDF


    Abstract: VMD48 DIO31 DIO10 VMD63 DIO15 DIO17
    Text: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 ETRON, ELITE SAMSUNG 256K*32*2*2 512K*32*2 - FOR ETRON, ELITE RP501 VMA8 VMA9 VMBS 9 VMMA8 9 VMMA9 9 VMCS#2 9 VMCS#3 33*4 A 9 VMD[0.63] VMA9 PIN 51 VMA9(PIN 30) VMA10(CS2#)

    RP501 VMA10 RP502 10K/NA VMD41 VMD47 DIO16 VMD48 DIO31 DIO10 VMD63 DIO15 DIO17 PDF


    Abstract: DIO10 U-506 U506 C681 c636
    Text: 1 2 9 VCS#1 9 VCS#3 4 5 6 7 8 VCS#1 A A VCS#3 VMD[0.63] VMD[0.63] 9 3 VCC3 9 R557 10K 0603B VMA[0.9] VMA[0.9] VCC3 VCC3 R558 10K 0603B VCC3 R549 10K 0603B R548 10K 0603B VMD41 U505 9 U506 VMA10 VMA10 29 51 50 49 48 47 34 33 32 31 VMA10 VMA9 VMA7 VMA6 VMA5

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    wiring diagram start delta

    Abstract: 71M6xx3 wattmeter digital circuit chopper transformer winding formula 71M654x software user guide 71M6603 FIR FILTER implementation in c language for keil RTC10 71M654X HJ122
    Text: 19-5378; Rev 1.0; 4/11 71M6545/71M6545H Metrology Processors A Maxim Integrated Products Brand DATA SHEET April 2011 GENERAL DESCRIPTION FEATURES The 71M6545/71M6545H metrology processors are based on Teridian’s 4th-generation metering architecture supporting the

    71M6545/71M6545H 71M6545/71M6545H 71M6xxx 22-bit 32-bit 8051compatible 71M6545/H wiring diagram start delta 71M6xx3 wattmeter digital circuit chopper transformer winding formula 71M654x software user guide 71M6603 FIR FILTER implementation in c language for keil RTC10 71M654X HJ122 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Reference Manual DOC. REV. 11/19/2010 EBX-12 Pentium M / Celeron M® based SBC with Ethernet, Video, Audio and Industrial I/O EBX-12 Pentium M® / Celeron M® based SBC with Ethernet, Video, Audio and Industrial I/O Product Release Notes Rev 6 Release •

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    Abstract: tea 2030 T5ooo Nippon capacitors
    Text: MOTOROLA Order Number: MPC850ABEC/D Rev. 0, 9/1999 Semiconductor Products Sector Advance Information MPC850 Rev. A/B Hardware Specifications This document contains detailed information on power considerations, AC/DC electrical characteristics, and AC timing specifications for revision A and B o f the MPC850.

    OCR Scan
    MPC850ABEC/D MPC850 MPC850. MPC850ABEC/D afq5 tea 2030 T5ooo Nippon capacitors PDF


    Abstract: PR11
    Text: DESC FORM 193 JUL 91 DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT A . Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited. 5962-El 581 1. SCOPE 1.1 S c o p e . This drawing forms a part of a one part - one part number documentation system see 6 . 6 herein . Two product assurance classes consisting of military high reliability (device classes B y Q, and M) and space application

    OCR Scan
    5962-E1581 MIL-STD-883, MIL-STD-883 QPL-38510. QML-38535. QML-38535 MIL-BUL-103. MIL-BUL-103 PR11 PDF


    Abstract: IDT74FCT244 DO12B idt74fct245 die p924 p9244 O28A
    Text: FAST CMOS 32-BIT BUFFER/LINE DRIVER AND BIDIRECTIONAL TRANSCEIVER MODULES 1DT7MP9244T/AT/CT IDT7MP9245T/AT/C1 I n te jp a te d D ev ic e T e c h n o lo g y , Inc» FEATURES: DESCRIPTION: • High density 32-bit FCT Logic modules • Equivalent to FAST speed and drive

    OCR Scan
    32-BIT IDT7MP9244T/AT/CT IDT7MP9245T/AT/C1 75-pin IDT7MP9244T/AT/CTa3 IDT7MP8244T/AT/CT, IDT7MP9245T/AT/CT D014B IDT74FCT244 DO12B idt74fct245 die p924 p9244 O28A PDF


    Abstract: d214 diode diode D214 diode D213 d214 d215 d216 le d211 7876A 92121 0011 D231 diode idr d06 finisar ftm
    Text: PRELIMINARY DEVICE SPECIFICATION S2039/S2040 FIBRE CHANNEL INTERFACE CIRCUITS WITH LASER DRIVER FEATURES GENERAL DESCRIPTION • The S2039 and S2040 Fibre Channel transmitter and receiver pair are designed to perform high-speed se­ rial data transmission over fiber optic interfaces con­

    OCR Scan
    S2039/S2040 S2039 S2040 8B/10B 32-bit C-132 di760 d214 diode diode D214 diode D213 d214 d215 d216 le d211 7876A 92121 0011 D231 diode idr d06 finisar ftm PDF


    Abstract: DO25
    Text: Integrated Device Technology, kic. FAST CMOS 32-BIT BUFFER/LINE PRELIMINARY DRIVER AND BIDIRECTIONAL IDT7MP9244T/AT/CTZ IDT7MP9245T/AT/CTZ TRANSCEIVER MODULES FEATURES: DESCRIPTION: • High density 32-bit FCT Logic modules • Equivalent to FAST speed and drive

    OCR Scan
    32-BIT IDT7MP9244T/AT/CTZ IDT7MP9245T/AT/CTZ P9244T/AT/CTand P9245T/AT/CT IDT7MP9244T/AT/CT IDT7MP9245T/AT/CT IDT7MP9245T/AT/CTare 7MP9245 DO25 PDF


    Abstract: MPC850 user manual QMC for MPC850 MPC850 MPC850DE MPC850SAR MPC860 TEA 2025 L up 6000 tea 2025 b
    Text: Order Number: MPC850ABEC/D MOTOROLA Rev. 0,9,1999 Semiconductor Products Sector PowerPC Advance Information MPC850 Rev. A/B Hardware Specifications This document contains detailed information on power considerations, AC/DC electrical characteristics, and

    OCR Scan
    MPC850ABEC/D MPC850 MPC850. J122C MPC850 user manual QMC for MPC850 MPC850 MPC850DE MPC850SAR MPC860 TEA 2025 L up 6000 tea 2025 b PDF

    DO25 diode

    Abstract: D014B
    Text: FAST CMOS 32-BIT BUFFER/LINE DRIVER AND BIDIRECTIONAL TRANSCEIVER MODULES IDT7MP9244T/AT/CT IDT7M P9245T/AT/C1 Integrated D evice Tech no logy, Inc» FEATURES: DESCRIPTION: • High density 32-bit FCT Logic modules • Equivalent to FAST speed and drive

    OCR Scan
    32-BIT IDT7MP9244T/AT/CT P9245T/AT/C1 75-pin IDT7MP9244T/AT/CTand IDT7MP9245T/AT/CT IDT7MP9244T/AT/CT, DO25 diode D014B PDF