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    Abstract: 317 jrc jrc 317 radar front end radar amplifier s-band circuit diagram of hp monitor radar block diagram amplifier lna low noise amplifier s-band S-band limiter diagram radar circuit
    Text: NJT1307A S-Band Radar Front End NJT1307A is a S-Band Radar Front End which includes 4 port circulator, high power limiter, variable attenuator, GaAs FET low noise amplifier, image rejection mixer, local VCO with isolator and FET operation monitor circuit in a single package.

    PDF NJT1307A NJT1307A 05GHz, 317 jrc VOLTAGE REGULATOR 317 jrc jrc 317 radar front end radar amplifier s-band circuit diagram of hp monitor radar block diagram amplifier lna low noise amplifier s-band S-band limiter diagram radar circuit


    Abstract: diagram radar circuit X-band marine radar radar system with circuit diagram diagram radar JRC radar front end front-end radar radar circuit NJT1946 pulse compression radar
    Text: NJT1946A X-Band Radar Front End NJT1946A is designed for the front end of marine radar system. It features a small size and a lightweight operable at any frequency between 9.345GHz and 9.475GHz This front-end module consists of GaAs FET low noise amplifier, Image

    PDF NJT1946A NJT1946A 345GHz 475GHz diagram radar circuit X-band marine radar radar system with circuit diagram diagram radar JRC radar front end front-end radar radar circuit NJT1946 pulse compression radar


    Abstract: radar front end diagram radar JRC diagram radar circuit radar block diagram 1946A NJT1946 radar system with circuit diagram X-band marine radar radar circuit diagram
    Text: X-Band Radar Front End NJT 1946A NJT1946A is designed for the front end of marine radar system. It features a small size and a light weight operable at any frequency between 9.345GHz and 9.475GHz This front end module consists of GaAs FET low noise amplifier. image

    PDF NJT1946A 345GHz 475GHz 41GHz Pd10nsec NJT1946A radar front end diagram radar JRC diagram radar circuit radar block diagram 1946A NJT1946 radar system with circuit diagram X-band marine radar radar circuit diagram

    317 jrc

    Abstract: jrc 317 diagram radar JRC radar system with circuit diagram NJS 4310D diagram radar circuit NJS4310D RF MODULE CIRCUIT DIAGRAM 4310D radar amplifier s-band
    Text: NJS 4310D S-Band Radar Front End NJS4310D is designed for the front end of radar system. It features a small size and a light weight operable at any frequency between 3.02GHz and 3.08GHz This front end module consists of GaAs FET low noise amplifier. image

    PDF 4310D NJS4310D 02GHz 08GHz 05GHz Pd10nsec -30deg. 90deg. 317 jrc jrc 317 diagram radar JRC radar system with circuit diagram NJS 4310D diagram radar circuit RF MODULE CIRCUIT DIAGRAM 4310D radar amplifier s-band

    X-band marine radar

    Abstract: diagram radar JRC NJT1967 buffer 24V "marine radar"
    Text: NJT1967 X-Band Radar Front End NJT1967 is designed for the front end of marine radar system. It features a small size and a light weight operable at any frequency between 9.415GHz and 9.475GHz. This front end module consists of Single balance mixer, Local VCO with buffer amplifier.

    PDF NJT1967 NJT1967 415GHz 475GHz. 445GHz, 10nsec X-band marine radar diagram radar JRC buffer 24V "marine radar"


    Abstract: x-Band Hemt Amplifier X-band marine radar Front End NJT1973
    Text: Technical Information n e w JRC mlCRDUlRVE DEVICES X-Band Radar F r o n t End NJT1973 is designed for the front end of marine radar system. I t features a small size and a light weight operable a t any frequency between 9.38GHz and 9.44GHz. This front end module consists of HEMT low noise amplifier. Image rejection mixer, Local VCO with

    PDF NJT1973 38GHz 44GHz. x-Band Hemt Amplifier X-band marine radar Front End NJT1973

    image rejection mixer

    Abstract: MW front END radar front end X-band marine radar buffer 24V burnout RF power diagram radar circuit NJT1031 mixer X-band low noise
    Text: NJT1031 X-Band Radar Front End NJT1031 is designed for the front end of marine radar system. It features a small size and a light weight operable at any frequency between 9.345GHz and 9.475GHz. This front end module consists of GaAs FET low noise amplifier, Image rejection mixer, Local VCO with

    PDF NJT1031 NJT1031 345GHz 475GHz. 41GHz, 90deg image rejection mixer MW front END radar front end X-band marine radar buffer 24V burnout RF power diagram radar circuit mixer X-band low noise


    Abstract: X-band Radar Front End NJT1969 r fron diagram radar circuit radar system with circuit diagram radar circuit x-Band Hemt Amplifier radar circuit diagram X-band marine radar image rejection mixer
    Text: NJT1969 X-Band Radar Front End NJT1969 is designed for the front end of marine radar system. It features a small size and a light weight operable at any frequency between 9.38GHz and 9.44GHz. This front end module consists of HEMT low noise amplifier, Image rejection mixer, Local VCO with

    PDF NJT1969 NJT1969 38GHz 44GHz. 41GHz, 10nsec 90deg X-band Radar Front End NJT1969 r fron diagram radar circuit radar system with circuit diagram radar circuit x-Band Hemt Amplifier radar circuit diagram X-band marine radar image rejection mixer

    radar block diagram

    Abstract: njt1027 X-band marine radar measurement noise on pulse amplifier LNA x-band radar IF BLOCK DIAGRAM radar amplifier measurement F9445
    Text: NJT1027 X-Band Radar Front End NJT1027 is designed for the front end of marine radar system. It features a small size and a light weight operable at any frequency between 9.415GHz and 9.475GHz. This front end module consists of HEMT low noise amplifier, Single balance mixer, Local VCO with

    PDF NJT1027 NJT1027 415GHz 475GHz. 445GHz, 10nsec radar block diagram X-band marine radar measurement noise on pulse amplifier LNA x-band radar IF BLOCK DIAGRAM radar amplifier measurement F9445

    radar front end

    Abstract: diagram radar circuit radar block diagram diagram radar JRC "Front end module" radar pulse compression radar NJT1959 RADAR radar system with circuit diagram 9410
    Text: NJT 1959 X-Band Radar Front End NJT1959 is designed for the front end of radar system. It features a small size and a light weight operable at any frequency between 9.345GHz and 9.475GHz This front end module consists of HEMT low noise amplifier. image rejection mixer. local VCO with buffer amplifier.

    PDF NJT1959 345GHz 475GHz 41GHz Pd10nsec NJT1959 radar front end diagram radar circuit radar block diagram diagram radar JRC "Front end module" radar pulse compression radar RADAR radar system with circuit diagram 9410


    Abstract: S-Band Radar Front End NJS4310D r fron jrc 317 317 jrc
    Text: Technical Information Rev.1 NJS4310D S-Band Radar Front End NJS4310D is designed for the front end of marine radar system. It features a small size and a light weight operable at any frequency between 3.02GHz and 3.08GHz. This front end module consists of GaAs FET low noise amplifier, Image rejection mixer, Local VCO

    PDF NJS4310D NJS4310D 02GHz 08GHz. 05GHz, 10nsec 30deg. 90deg. 90deg S-Band Radar Front End NJS4310D r fron jrc 317 317 jrc


    Abstract: NJT1968B radar block diagram diagram radar JRC
    Text: x-~and Radar Front ~ n d NJTl968B NJT1968B la designed for the front end of marine radar system. It features a small size and a light we~ghtoperable at any h q u e n & between 9.346GH: d 9.47SGHz. Tlua h n t end module eonslsts of PIN diode Lirmter, GaAs FET low noise amplifier, lusage rejection

    PDF NJTl968B NJT1968B 47SGHz. 41GHz, NJT1968 radar block diagram diagram radar JRC

    6kw magnetron

    Abstract: MAF1422B magnetron 6kw jrc magnetron
    Text: n e w JRC Technical Information mlCROLURVE D E V I C E S X-Band Magnetron MAF1422B is designed for the magnetron of x-band radar system.The freguency range is fixed ~9380-9440MHz> and the peak output power is 6kW. - MAXIMUM RATINGS - Peak anode current peak anode power input .

    PDF MAF1422B 9380-9440MHz> 6kw magnetron magnetron 6kw jrc magnetron

    jrc magnetron

    Abstract: jrc radar magnetron x-band magnetron magnetron X-band M1528 9 Ghz magnetron Magnetron 1.5 kW magnetron s band magnetron* x-band m1528 x-band power transistor
    Text: M1528 X-Band Magnetron M1528 is designed for the magnetron of X-band radar system. The frequency range is fixed between 9.415GHz and 9.475GHz. The peak output power is 1.8kW. - MAXIMUM RATINGS -Min 1.5 0.05 - Peak anode current Peak anode power input

    PDF M1528 M1528 415GHz 475GHz. jrc magnetron jrc radar magnetron x-band magnetron magnetron X-band 9 Ghz magnetron Magnetron 1.5 kW magnetron s band magnetron* x-band m1528 x-band power transistor


    Abstract: x-band limiter NJS6930 x-band diode band Limiter radar jrc radar limiter x-band limiter diode NJS693
    Text: Technical Information Rev.1 NJS6930S X-Band Diode Limiter NJS6930S is designed for the high power limiter of radar system. It features a small size operable at any frequency between 9.30GHz and 9.50GHz. This diode limiter consists of the two stages limiter diodes

    PDF NJS6930S NJS6930S 30GHz 50GHz. 1000pps. 9400MHz. x-band limiter NJS6930 x-band diode band Limiter radar jrc radar limiter x-band limiter diode NJS693


    Abstract: X-Band Diode limiter NJS6928A NJS6928 radar jrc
    Text: Technical Information Rev.1 NJS6928A X-Band Diode Limiter NJS6928A is designed for the high power limiter of radar system. It features a small size operable at any frequency between 9.30GHz and 9.50GHz. This diode limiter consists of the two stages limiter diodes

    PDF NJS6928A NJS6928A 30GHz 50GHz. 1000pps. freq30 X-Band Diode limiter NJS6928A NJS6928 radar jrc


    Abstract: jrc magnetron jrc radar magnetron magnetron X-band Magnetron 1.5 kW magnetron 10 kw Magnetron 2 kW magnetron jrc
    Text: M1439 X-Band Magnetron M1439 is designed for the magnetron of X-band radar system. The frequency range is fixed between 9.415GHz and 9.475GHz. The peak output power is 1.0kW. - MAXIMUM RATINGS -Min 1.5 0.05 - Peak anode current Peak anode power input

    PDF M1439 M1439 415GHz 475GHz. jrc magnetron jrc radar magnetron magnetron X-band Magnetron 1.5 kW magnetron 10 kw Magnetron 2 kW magnetron jrc

    JRC magnetron m5020

    Abstract: s-band magnetron jrc magnetron M5020 M1302 magnetron s-band kw s band jrc magnetron Magnetron 2 kW jrc radar magnetron magnetron s-band
    Text: M1302/M5020 S-Band Magnetron M1302/M5020 is designed for the magnetron of S-band radar system. The frequency range is fixed between 3.04GHz and 3.06GHz. The peak output power is 25kW Min. - MAXIMUM RATINGS -Min 6.0 - Max 12.0 100 0.001 1.0 130 Unit A

    PDF M1302/M5020 M1302/M5020 04GHz 06GHz. JRC magnetron m5020 s-band magnetron jrc magnetron M5020 M1302 magnetron s-band kw s band jrc magnetron Magnetron 2 kW jrc radar magnetron magnetron s-band

    jrc magnetron

    Abstract: MSF1425A jrc radar magnetron magnetron X-band Magnetron 2 kW magnetron magnetron 5kw radar system msf*1425 magnetron 10 kw
    Text: MSF1425A X-Band Magnetron MSF1425A is designed for the magnetron of X-band radar system. The frequency range is fixed between 9.345GHz and 9.405GHz. The peak output power is 12.5kW. - MAXIMUM RATINGS -Min 3.0 0.05 - Max 7.0 50 0.001 1.0 90 Unit A kW us

    PDF MSF1425A MSF1425A 345GHz 405GHz. jrc magnetron jrc radar magnetron magnetron X-band Magnetron 2 kW magnetron magnetron 5kw radar system msf*1425 magnetron 10 kw

    jrc magnetron

    Abstract: MSF1421C magnetron X-band jrc radar magnetron Magnetron 1.5 kW Magnetron 2 kW
    Text: MSF1421C X-Band Magnetron MSF1421C is designed for the magnetron of X-band radar system. The frequency range is fixed between 9.415GHz and 9.475GHz. The peak output power is 4.0kW. - MAXIMUM RATINGS -Min 2.0 0.05 - Max 4.0 30 0.001 1.0 70 Unit A kW us

    PDF MSF1421C MSF1421C 415GHz 475GHz. jrc magnetron magnetron X-band jrc radar magnetron Magnetron 1.5 kW Magnetron 2 kW


    Abstract: X-band Circulator NJC3901RB X-BAND circulator circulator radar circulator antenna x-band CIRCULATOR x-band jrc magnetron magnetron X-band X-band antenna
    Text: NJC3901RB X-Band Circulator NJC3901RB is designed for the circulator of X-band radar system. It transmits power from the magnetron to the antenna as well as the receiving signal from the antenna to the receiver port. It is operable at any frequency between 9.30GHz and 9.50GHz.

    PDF NJC3901RB NJC3901RB 30GHz 50GHz. X-band Circulator NJC3901RB X-BAND circulator circulator radar circulator antenna x-band CIRCULATOR x-band jrc magnetron magnetron X-band X-band antenna

    jrc radar magnetron

    Abstract: M1380 s-band coupler magnetron s-band kw Magnetron 2 kW magnetron s-band magnetron kw s-band s-band magnetron jrc magnetron
    Text: M1380 S-Band Magnetron M1380 is designed for the magnetron of S-band radar system. The frequency range is fixed between 3.025GHz and 3.075GHz. The peak output power is 50kW Min. - MAXIMUM RATINGS -Min 6.0 - Max 18.0 170 0.001 1.0 130 Unit A kW us kV/us

    PDF M1380 M1380 025GHz 075GHz. jrc radar magnetron s-band coupler magnetron s-band kw Magnetron 2 kW magnetron s-band magnetron kw s-band s-band magnetron jrc magnetron


    Abstract: NJT1947B pin diode limiter Ground Radar diagram radar circuit diagram x-band limiter diode diagram radar JRC diagram radar circuit Limiter jrc 26
    Text: T e c h n ic a l neuu J R C miCRÜUJRVE In fo rm a tio n DEVICES NJT1947B X-Band Radar Front End NJT1947B is designed for the front end of radar system. It features a small size and a light weight operable at any frequency between 9.345GHz and 9.475GHz. This front end module consists of PIN diode Limiter, GaAs FET low noise amplifier, Image rejection

    OCR Scan
    PDF NJT1947B NJT1947B 345GHz 475GHz. 41GHz, NJT1947 pin diode limiter Ground Radar diagram radar circuit diagram x-band limiter diode diagram radar JRC diagram radar circuit Limiter jrc 26


    Abstract: x-band magnetron jrc radar magnetron magnetron valve JRC IC x-band magnetron "25kw" magnetron M1458A magnetron* x-band M1458A jrc magnetron
    Text: n e UJ JRC Technical In form ation micROUjnvE d e v i c e s M1458A X-Band Magnetron M145aA is designed for the magnetron of x-band radar system.The frequency range is fixed <9380 — 944QMHz> and the peak output power is 25kW. MAXIMUM RATINGS -Min Peak anode current- :— -6.0

    OCR Scan
    PDF M1458A 944QMHz> UC-40 x-band magnetron jrc radar magnetron magnetron valve JRC IC x-band magnetron "25kw" magnetron M1458A magnetron* x-band M1458A jrc magnetron