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    S1RBA80 Search Results

    S1RBA80 Datasheets (3)

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    S1RBA80 Unknown The Diode Data Book with Package Outlines 1993 Scan PDF
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    Abstract: bc417 ksh200 equivalent 2N5457 equivalent ss8050 equivalent 1N34 equivalent FQP50N06 equivalent bd139 equivalent 2N5458 equivalent 2N3563 equivalent
    Text: Cross Reference Guide Industry 1.5KE100A 1.5KE100CA 1.5KE10A 1.5KE10CA 1.5KE110A 1.5KE110CA 1.5KE11A 1.5KE11CA 1.5KE120A 1.5KE120CA 1.5KE12A 1.5KE12CA 1.5KE130A 1.5KE130CA 1.5KE13A 1.5KE13CA 1.5KE150A 1.5KE150CA 1.5KE15A 1.5KE15CA 1.5KE160A 1.5KE160CA 1.5KE16A

    PDF 5KE100A 5KE100CA 5KE10A 5KE10CA 5KE110A 5KE110CA 5KE11A 5KE11CA 5KE120A 5KE120CA SSP35n03 bc417 ksh200 equivalent 2N5457 equivalent ss8050 equivalent 1N34 equivalent FQP50N06 equivalent bd139 equivalent 2N5458 equivalent 2N3563 equivalent


    Abstract: SIWB RBV-1506 S1WB(A)60B 100C RBV-2506 RBV-602L RBV-604 RBV-606 RBV-606H
    Text: - fé Wì £ tfc « PRSM CkW RBV-602L BBV-604 RBV-606 RBV-606H RBV-608 RBV-1506 RBV-2506 RM30TB-H RM30TB-M RM30TC-24 RM30TC-2H RM75TC-24 RM75TC-2H RM75TC-H RM75TC-M RM100D2Z—40 S1NB20 S1NB60 S1RBA10 S1RBA20 S1RBA20Z S1RBA40 S1RBA40Z S1RBA60 S1RBA80 S1VB20

    OCR Scan
    PDF RBV-602L i40cnf7( RBV-604 40rf7( RBV-606 i40rf70tt RBV-606H RBV-608 Ioli40cra RBV-1506 S1WB60 SIWB S1WB(A)60B 100C RBV-2506 RBV-602L RBV-604


    Abstract: btb 137 RBV-1506 S1RBA40 S1WB(A)60B S1WB60 100C RBV-2506 RBV-602L RBV-604
    Text: - fé Wì £ tfc « PRSM CkW RBV-602L BBV-604 RBV-606 RBV-606H RBV-608 RBV-1506 RBV-2506 RM30TB-H RM30TB-M RM30TC-24 RM30TC-2H RM75TC-24 RM75TC-2H RM75TC-H RM75TC-M RM100D2Z—40 S1NB20 S1NB60 S1RBA10 S1RBA20 S1RBA20Z S1RBA40 S1RBA40Z S1RBA60 S1RBA80 S1VB20

    OCR Scan
    PDF RBV-602L i40cnf7( RBV-604 40rf7( RBV-606 i40rf70tt RBV-606H RBV-608 Ioli40cra RBV-1506 SIWB btb 137 S1RBA40 S1WB(A)60B S1WB60 100C RBV-2506 RBV-602L RBV-604


    Abstract: S1RBA80 S1WB(A)60B SIWB RBV-1506 S1WB(A)60 S1WB60 100C RBV-2506 RBV-602L
    Text: - fé Wì £ tfc « PRSM CkW RBV-602L BBV-604 RBV-606 RBV-606H RBV-608 RBV-1506 RBV-2506 RM30TB-H RM30TB-M RM30TC-24 RM30TC-2H RM75TC-24 RM75TC-2H RM75TC-H RM75TC-M RM100D2Z—40 S1NB20 S1NB60 S1RBA10 S1RBA20 S1RBA20Z S1RBA40 S1RBA40Z S1RBA60 S1RBA80 S1VB20

    OCR Scan
    PDF RBV-602L i40cnf7( RBV-604 40rf7( RBV-606 i40rf70tt RBV-606H RBV-608 Ioli40cra RBV-1506 S1RBA-10 S1RBA80 S1WB(A)60B SIWB S1WB(A)60 S1WB60 100C RBV-2506 RBV-602L


    Abstract: SIWB S1VBA60 S1WB60 SIWB(A)10 s1vbs0 RBV-1506 S1RBA80 S1WB(A)60B 100C
    Text: - fé Wì £ tfc « PRSM CkW RBV-602L BBV-604 RBV-606 RBV-606H RBV-608 RBV-1506 RBV-2506 RM30TB-H RM30TB-M RM30TC-24 RM30TC-2H RM75TC-24 RM75TC-2H RM75TC-H RM75TC-M RM100D2Z—40 S1NB20 S1NB60 S1RBA10 S1RBA20 S1RBA20Z S1RBA40 S1RBA40Z S1RBA60 S1RBA80 S1VB20

    OCR Scan
    PDF RBV-602L i40cnf7( RBV-604 40rf7( RBV-606 i40rf70tt RBV-606H RBV-608 Ioli40cra RBV-1506 S1WB40 SIWB S1VBA60 S1WB60 SIWB(A)10 s1vbs0 S1RBA80 S1WB(A)60B 100C


    Abstract: SIWB RBV-1506 S1WB(A)60B S1WB40 S1WB60 SIWB(A)10 100C RBV-2506 RBV-602L
    Text: - fé Wì £ tfc « PRSM CkW RBV-602L BBV-604 RBV-606 RBV-606H RBV-608 RBV-1506 RBV-2506 RM30TB-H RM30TB-M RM30TC-24 RM30TC-2H RM75TC-24 RM75TC-2H RM75TC-H RM75TC-M RM100D2Z—40 S1NB20 S1NB60 S1RBA10 S1RBA20 S1RBA20Z S1RBA40 S1RBA40Z S1RBA60 S1RBA80 S1VB20

    OCR Scan
    PDF RBV-602L i40cnf7( RBV-604 40rf7( RBV-606 i40rf70tt RBV-606H RBV-608 Ioli40cra RBV-1506 ry600 SIWB S1WB(A)60B S1WB40 S1WB60 SIWB(A)10 100C RBV-2506 RBV-602L


    Abstract: T20W20F3 T30G40 T25U40 2sd573 D5KC20 D2SBA60 SRT-2W6H S60S6 T7K40
    Text: List of Discontinued Parts The discontinued parts are as follows. The ch aracteristics and performance of replacement parts are alm ost the same, but they are not identical in all respects. Therefore, we ask you to study the details shown in the list carefully when using the parts.

    OCR Scan
    PDF D1V60 D4BB10 D4BB20 D4BB40 D4BB60 S1RBA10 S1RBA20 S1RBA40 S1RBA60 S1RBA80 T30k40d T20W20F3 T30G40 T25U40 2sd573 D5KC20 D2SBA60 SRT-2W6H S60S6 T7K40


    Abstract: S20LCA20 d4la20 12014af S12KC40 S24LCA20 SRT-2W6H D1NL20 S10SC4 TRANSISTORS REPLACEMENT
    Text: List of Discontinued Parts T h e d is c o n tin u e d p a rts a re as fo llo w s . T h e c h a r a c te r is tic s and p e rfo rm a n c e o f re p la c e m e n t p a rts a re a lm o s t th e sam e, b u t th e y are n o t id e n tic a l in all re s p e c ts .

    OCR Scan
    PDF S1RBA80 D1NK20 D1NK20H D1NK40 D1NK40H S1K20 S1K20H S1K40 S1K40H S2K20 2SK2067 S20LCA20 d4la20 12014af S12KC40 S24LCA20 SRT-2W6H D1NL20 S10SC4 TRANSISTORS REPLACEMENT


    Abstract: 2SD1515 2SC3259 2SC3261 S1WB40 SRT-2W6H 2SC4530 2SC3262 2SC2789 S12KC20
    Text: List of Discontinued Parts The discontinued parts are as follows. The characteristics and performance of replacement parts are almost the same, but they are not identical in all respects. Therefore, we ask you to study the details shown in the list carefully when using the parts.

    OCR Scan
    PDF D1V60 D4BB10 D4BB20 D4BB40 D4BB60 S1RBA10 S1RBA20 S1RBA40 S1RBA60 S1RBA80 D2SBA60 2SD1515 2SC3259 2SC3261 S1WB40 SRT-2W6H 2SC4530 2SC3262 2SC2789 S12KC20


    Abstract: D5LCA20 2SK2067 SRK-12ZB D8LCA20 D15LCA20 D5KC20R S24LCA20 D8LCA20R SRT-2W6H
    Text: List of Discontinued Parts The d iscontinued parts are as follow s. The characteristics and performance of replacem ent parts are alm ost the same, but they are not identical in all respects. Therefore, we ask you to study the details shown in the list carefully when using the parts.

    OCR Scan
    PDF S1RBA80 D1NK20 D1NK20H D1NK40 D1NK40H S1K20 S1K20H S1K40 S1K40H S2K20 S20LCA20 D5LCA20 2SK2067 SRK-12ZB D8LCA20 D15LCA20 D5KC20R S24LCA20 D8LCA20R SRT-2W6H

    bu 1350

    Abstract: RBV-1506 S1NB60 S1RBA40 S1VBA60 S1WB10 S1RBA10 S1WB60 SIWB(A)10 RBV-2506
    Text: - fé Wì £ tfc « PR S M CkW RBV-602L BBV-604 RBV-606 RBV-606H RBV-608 R B V - 1 506 RBV-2506 RM30TB-H RM30TB- M RM30TC-24 RM30TC-2H RM75TC-24 RM75TC-2H RM75TC-H RM75TC-M R M 1 0 0 D 2 Z —40 S1NB20 S1NB60 S1RBA10 S1RBA20 y >t v y *r y y-ir y f y ' r y

    OCR Scan
    PDF RBV-602L i40cnf7( RBV-604 40rf7( RBV-606 i40rf70tt RBV-606H RBV-608 Ioli40cra RBV-1506 bu 1350 S1NB60 S1RBA40 S1VBA60 S1WB10 S1RBA10 S1WB60 SIWB(A)10 RBV-2506