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    XF2J224KRPT Search Results

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    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: UN Doc #: 1562 L X 15 6 2 /1 5 6 3 M I C R O E L E C T R O N I C S T he I n f i n i t e P o w e r S e co n d - G eneration P ow er Fac to r C ontro ller P r o d u c t i o n S h e e t I n n o v a t i o n o f D a t a DESCRIPTION KEY FEATURES The LX1562 is a second-generation

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    LX1562 130kil, XF2J224KRPT F/630V pF/50V jF/50V 33fjF/50V jF/450V Y2w TRANSISTOR PDF

    220v ac to 3.7v dc converter

    Abstract: in4004 motorola diode 230V AC to 3V DC rec 12V 300w inverter power supply IRF830 APPLICATION 29-YF ballast 80W H7C1 transformer 300W HI FI AMPLIFIER input 220V AC output 3,3V AC RC circuit
    Text: LIN Doc #; 1562 L X 1 5 6 2 /1 5 6 3 M i t T he I n f i n i t e is I I I P o w e r î of I k () \ I I ( S S e c o n d n n o v a t i o n P - G P o w e r r o d u c t i o n D e n e r a t i o n DESCRIPTION The LX1562 is a second-generation family o f pow er factor correction

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    LX1562 SG3561A XF2J224KRPT jF/630V 01pF/50V 33pF/50V 68pF/450V 2625/H7C1 IRF840, 1N4935 220v ac to 3.7v dc converter in4004 motorola diode 230V AC to 3V DC rec 12V 300w inverter power supply IRF830 APPLICATION 29-YF ballast 80W H7C1 transformer 300W HI FI AMPLIFIER input 220V AC output 3,3V AC RC circuit PDF

    Y2W zener

    Abstract: CJ 4148 ZENER IREM BALLAST mosfet HF amplifier irf840 ASCOM rectifier transistor Y2W Nichicon LQ CTS206 7c1 zener diode 220v ac to 3.7v dc converter
    Text: T h e I n f i n i t e P o w e r o f P R O D U C T I O N I n n o v a t i o n DESCRIPTION The LX1562 is a second generation family of pow er factor correction controllers using a discontinuous mode of operation. They are optimized for electronic ballast applications. Many

    OCR Scan
    LX1562 SG3561A Y2W zener CJ 4148 ZENER IREM BALLAST mosfet HF amplifier irf840 ASCOM rectifier transistor Y2W Nichicon LQ CTS206 7c1 zener diode 220v ac to 3.7v dc converter PDF